Worldwide High-Level Reiki ♥ Spiritual Ascension Development ♥ and Beyond…

Posts tagged ‘Reiki’

GREEN JUICE: Benefits, Side Effects & Warnings

This is your high vibe reminder that it is the perfect time to juice, eat cleaner, drink more water than you think you need, purify and lighten your body temple. Fresh juices made at home are incredibly powerful and strengthening for all your body’s systems as well as your energy systems. Green juice is especially healing and vitalizing for the body. One of my favorite classic green juice recipes is as follows:

🌿1 bunch (1/2 lb) leafy greens- like kale, collards, parsley, cilantro, chard, dandelion, etc.

🌿1 cucumber

🌿1 bunch celery

🌿2 apples

🌿1/4 lemon, with peel optional

🌿1/4 inch ginger root

Run all these organic ingredients through your favorite juicer and enjoy immediately, or at the very least, within the same day. 

A quart or more a day will build your immunity and help safeguard you from illness.


Encode your juice with positive, commanding, mantras and re-programming like, “Body, you WILL maintain perfect health!” I encourage you to create a personal mantra that aligns with your own physical goals. All you need to do is think or chant the mantra while you are making your juice. This infuses your mantra into the structured water of the juice. You can also exclaim your intention before, during or after drinking. Feel your mantra coming true as if it has already happened; feel the energy of this in your body. (Note: the juice will work and bring you countless benefits regardless of you doing this suggestion or not.)


Boundless energy, clear skin, strong nails, new hair growth, clear eyes and sinuses, sharp mental function, rapid healings, and a more blissful, optimistic, free and fearless, abundant sense of life. 


When combined with a raw vegan diet, you may begin to feel super human.


Combined with eating less or none at all (intermittent fasting or alternate day fasting, etc.), breathwork, Reiki, meditation, forest bathing, sunning and earthing; you may just go cosmic!🌀💫🌀💫🌀

Enjoy! 💖

Choose Your Sacred Word for the New Year

Happy New Year, Light One!

Everyone has heard of New Year’s resolutions, but have you ever considered simply choosing a word for the year?

This is like a sacred power word. It rests in your soul and changes the frequency of your body, mind, energy and efforts. It is like casting a love spell into the wind for that which you want and for that which you are becoming. It unfolds throughout the year like a mystical story, teaching you things about yourself and your spiritual path.

You do not have to think of this word throughout the year, but I suspect you might from time to time. It simmers within, while guiding you and reminding you quietly in the background. Sometimes, I reflect on my word as months roll by to see what has evolved in my life as a result. I am often pleasantly surprised and spiritually touched by what comes of the word. This can be a great teaching and a path back to the Self, the true essence Self, the higher superconscious Self. We always choose the perfect word that our smaller personality self needs.

I typically choose one word, for that was the initial assignment given to me by my beautiful sister years ago. However, this year, I needed to use two words. When I asked my higher Self which word would walk with me in 2023, the first word that came to my lips was Action. For me, this word carries the energy of spring, of a flowing river, of a cosmic burst of light.  I feel a creative force within me, ready to spiral outward, so Action resonates and sparkles me. Yet, this word alone felt incomplete. There needed to be something else, another word to round this out.

A few days later, while reflecting on the energy of my word again, the word Awaken dropped in. This felt correct, for it was the perfect, spiritual accompaniment to Action. It holds the energy of unfolding, letting go, ascending, expanding, and of being the God Self. Each word—Action and Awaken—stand independently of the other yet completes, balances and uplifts the other.

Words carry an energetic imprint. Each word on its own is like a symbol. When two words are placed together it is similar to the merging of two symbols, creating one new symbol with a new frequency signature. (This is just like the magic that happens when using two or more Reiki symbols together during a healing session.) These two words, combined, are now a single symbol, which hold a higher level of energy for me. It is this energy I will tune into throughout the year, and it is these words I will hear in the winds of the Universe that move around me and through me.

This is a reminder of the power of your words.

If you choose to do this practice, see what comes to you when you let go of your thoughts and tune in to your higher Self, to that quiet place within you, your inner God realm. Notice the first word that visits you. Sit with it; feel the energy of it. Does it resonate in your soul? Does it inspire you? 

You may not know, initially, why you chose a particular word. However, over the coming months, its meaning and deeper significance will be revealed. And, as with the laws of nature, nothing is permanent. If you decide to change direction, choose another word, more words, or let it all go mid-year, please do. You are unlimited and free. Always remember this, dear one.  This is your true essence nature. You are an eternal, infinite, loving, expansive Being of the holiest Light. Breathe this in.

I am always holding you in this image of higher Light.

May your journey be graced with blessings.


Shana 💗

October LIGHT RETREAT with Elitom & Shana in Sedona! [Last Pranic Retreat in USA]

I have some exciting news! We are hosting our last pranic retreat in October and you are invited!! 💖

LIGHT ACTIVATION RETREAT with Elitom El-amin and Shana Dean in magical Sedona, Arizona!

This will be Elitom’s LAST PRANIC RETREAT in the USA! After our retreat, he is venturing onward to Africa for a whole year. We hope you can join us in Sedona for this very special last retreat. It will be an incredibly high vibe time, expanding our higher consciousness while playing with our luminous human potential.

We are upleveling the pranic energy and going even higher in this 5-day Light Activation Retreat.

Here are the details:

WHEN: Wednesday Oct 19, 2022 to Sunday Oct 23, 2022

WHERE: On the crystalline red rock vortexes of Sedona, Arizona


1) One day pass $75 (You can choose any single day)

2) Three day pass $222 (You can choose any 3 days)

3) Full five day pass $350

This Light Activation Retreat will include daily:

– Fasting

– Chi gong

– Powerful Meditations

– Breathwork (Pranayama)

– Discussions & Teachings

– Q & A

– And More!


Accommodations will include free dispersed camping with Elitom El-amin in Sedona. You will need to bring all your own camping gear. If you would rather stay in a local Airbnb or resort, you are welcome to do this as well.

CONTACT SHANA HERE for more info and to REGISTER. **Please write “Light Retreat” in your message to Shana. Thank you!

Once you are registered, you will receive a detailed email from Shana with information on fasting, what to bring, how to prepare, recommendations for local activities, and so forth.

We can’t wait to see you in Sedona this October with lightness, community, energy cultivation, higher wisdom, and tons of high frequency fun! 💖


💖⭐💖 With Love and Light and the Highest Pranic Blessings! 💖⭐💖

Light Retreat in Sedona with Elitom El-amin & Shana Dean [January 2022]

Light Retreat in Sedona with Elitom El-amin & Shana Dean [January 2022]

You are invited!

January 2022
Breatharian Light Retreat in Sedona, Arizona, with Elitom El-amin and Shana Dean!

When: Wednesday 1/19/2022 to Sunday 1/23/2022
Where: On the red rock vortexes of Sedona, Arizona

**January 19th is Elitom’s birthday, so you will have the opportunity to share in this super fun, high vibe day!

You have 3 retreat options:
1) One day pass $75
2) Three day pass $222
3) Full five day pass $350

This hands-on, experiential, high frequency Light Retreat will include daily:
– Fasting
– Chi gong
– Meditations
– Breathwork (Pranayama)
– Discussions & Teachings
– Q & A
– And More!

Accommodations will include free camping with Elitom El-amin in Sedona. The weather will be wintry, so please bring cold-weather gear. If you would rather stay in a local Airbnb or resort, you are welcome to do this as well.

Contact Shana HERE for more info or to REGISTER. **Please write “Light Retreat” in your message to Shana. Thank you!

We can’t wait to see you in Sedona to start the New Year with lightness, energy cultivation, fasting, higher wisdom, and tons of high frequency fun!


A Powerful Hopi Message & Ongoing Global Pranic Meditations

Dearest Light Ones,

There are two things I would like to share with you now, during these times. One is a powerful Hopi message from White Eagle and the other is an invitation to join a circle of healers during my free Online Global Pranic Meditations to collectively uplift and awaken a New Earth for us all.

I found this Hopi message on social media and as I did so, I also instantaneously received a spirit message to share it here with all of you.

The Hopi have always had their fingers on the pulse of the planet. And they do now. Are you going through a portal or down a hole?



“This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you.

“If you repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, you will fall into the hole. But if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, take care of yourself and others, you will cross the portal. Take care of your homes, take care of your body. Connect with your Spiritual House.

“When you are taking care of yourselves, you are taking care of everything else. Do not lose the spiritual dimension of this crisis; have the Eagle aspect from above and see the whole; see more broadly.

“There is a social demand in this crisis, but there is also a spiritual demand — the two go hand in hand. Without the social dimension, we fall into fanaticism. But without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and lack of meaning. You were prepared to go through this crisis. Take your toolbox and use all the tools available to you.

“Learn about resistance of the indigenous and African peoples; we have always been, and continue to be, exterminated. But we still haven’t stopped singing, dancing, lighting a fire, and having fun. Don’t feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time.

“You do not help at all being sad and without energy. You help if good things emanate from the Universe now. It is through joy that one resists. Also, when the storm passes, each of you will be very important in the reconstruction of this New World.

“You need to be well and strong. And for that, there is no other way than to maintain a beautiful, happy, and bright vibration. This has nothing to do with alienation.

“This is a resistance strategy. In shamanism, there is a rite of passage called the quest for vision. You spend a few days alone in the forest, without water, without food, without protection. When you cross this portal, you get a new vision of the world, because you have faced your fears, your difficulties.

“This is what is asked of you:

“Allow yourself to take advantage of this time to perform your vision-seeking rituals. What world do you want to build for you? For now, this is what you can do — serenity in the storm. Calm down, pray every day. Establish a routine to meet the sacred every day.

“Good things emanate; what you emanate now is the most important thing. And sing, dance, resist through art, joy, faith, and love.”


(Feel free to share by copy and paste, as I did.)

Shana Meditating with the Prana of the Sun, Earth, Moon and Sky


Every week, I led a Global Pranic Meditation with my fellow light warriors and you are invited!


WHEN: Every Thursday at 9am PDT/San Francisco Time

WHERE: Zoom (links & passwords are emailed weekly)

SIGN UP: Contact me HERE if you would like to participate


During these Global Pranic Meditations, I guide us all through various energy-running methods and visualizations to heal, align and awaken ourselves and humankind, to neutralize and transcend illness and suffering, and to move us all towards a more utopic, unity-conscious, peaceful, harmonious, enlightened and higher frequency New Earth.

These meditations involve advanced energy-running techniques and are perfect for anyone interested in Reiki or any other type of energywork. You will receive beautiful personal benefits from meditating this way and with the group. Not to mention, we are collectively and lovingly upleveling everything around us!

These weekly meditations are open to the public, so feel free to share this blog post with anyone you think might resonate with this type of lightwork. The more the merrier and the more powerful!

Photo by Shana of the Pranic Field within the Forest at Sunset


Here is a little testimonial I received about the Global Pranic Meditation:

Hello Shana,

The wonderful impact of the global guided meditation that we did a week ago (my first one) stayed with me all week.  As well, I was able to readily re-experience it in my own subsequent meditations.

Thus, I so looked forward to re-joining you and the group this morning.  Lo and behold, I was equally moved—literally moved, right out of my body.  I really can’t think of another time when my monkey mind stopped chattering as I experienced this morning.

I’ve become increasingly judicious and discerning about how much time I spend in front of this computer screen these days, including limiting Zoom calls.  I much prefer being “called” into the great outdoors, growing my organic veggies or hiking the nearby woods and mountains.  That said, my priority Zoom is clearly 9 am Thursday mornings.

I am most grateful,


Your Happiness Is More Important Than You Realize!



The Enchanted Forest, photo by Shana

The Enchanted Forest, photo by Shana


Your happiness is of the utmost importance! When you’re happy, your frequency is higher, you’re more productive, creative, loving, compassionate, empathetic, optimistic, limitless and more in alignment with your true essence.

When you’re happy, you positively effect and influence everyone and everything around you, causing a beautiful ripple effect of lightness.

Do whatever you can to bring more happiness into your life. Whether big or small, do something everyday that makes you happy.

Make a happy list for yourself.
What brings you happiness?
Go do that.


This is me in one of my happy places, in an enchanted forest that sparkles with wands of sunlight and Faerie magick. The energy and beauty of nature always brings me a high level of happiness.


Another thing that brings me immeasurable happiness is teaching Reiki classes!

I am teaching an in-person certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level III Class this month of March:


WHEN: Saturday, March 14, 2020, 10am to 4pm

WHERE: Sebastopol, CA

COST: $325

In this Advanced Reiki Training class, you will learn two Reiki Master symbols plus an ancient Tibetan symbol, which has four variations, for a total of six symbols. You will receive the Reiki III attunement. You will also learn how to preform aura clearing, also known as psychic surgery, for powerful healing shifts. You will make and energetically activate Reiki Crystal Grids that will send a continuous flow of Reiki to the things you wish to manifest in your life and for group healing. You will also be guided along a meditation designed to increase your prana, your ki as in Reiki, which will enhance your healing ability, raise your frequency, and create more synchronicities in alignment with your Higher Self and soul purpose. This is a hand-on class with lots of practice on the table as well as discussion and Q&A.

Click HERE for more class details.

Contact Shana HERE to register.



Blessings to you for your Highest happiness!!

Love, happiness and lightness,


WORKSHOP: Learn to Live on Light with Elitom El-Amin

Elitom El-Amin

Elitom El-Amin


World renown breatharian and Chigong master, featured in Supreme Master TV and FreedÔm Generation TV, Elitom El-Amin, is returning to Sonoma County for one last workshop before he leaves on his tour in India.

Elitom is here for a follow up workshop! This new workshop is designed to help you begin your Living on Light journey. Elitom wants to give you the hand-on tools you need to be successful. This class focuses on energy cultivation to lighten and align your life on every level.

A few weeks ago, Elitom was here in Sebastopol and lit up the house with his energy, stories and laughter, teaching and inspiring everyone about the human/spiritual/energetic potential. I know a lot of you were very excited and motivated after this class and wanted more! For those of you who were not able to attend the first class, this is your chance to participate!


This is an active, experiential workshop that will include the following:

-Chigong exercises for energy cultivation

-Different types of meditations designed to increase your prana and raise your vibration

-The Micro Cosmic Orbit meditation

-The Merkaba Meditation

-Full body purification, physically & energetically

-Discussion and Q&A

-How to safely and easefully eat less, or none at all, and how to thrive on other energy sources like your own infinite reservoir of inner chi and prana from the outside world


This workshop focuses on the breatharian lifestyle, but its applications are far beyond this. These Living on Light Tools, when applied, will significantly potentiate your Reiki, your meditations, your spiritual practice, your healing ability and your entire life. It will also increase your human/spiritual potential in manifesting, co-creating with Source, and living more abundantly in free flowing alignment with your Higher Self. This workshop is designed to up-level you and your own light, your prana, regardless if you choose to live food free or not.



WORKSHOP: Learn to Live on Light

WHEN: Sunday, February 2nd, 10am to 5pm
WHERE: Sebastopol
COST: $75




Vibrant blessings to you!

In light and loving service,

Elitom El-Amin & Shana Dean

Elitom El-Amin & Shana Dean


The Alchemy of the Autumn Equinox

Autumn is my favorite season, and it is upon us! September 22 at 7:22am PST is the autumn equinox, where light is in perfect balance and the magic of a new season begins to stir. (It also happens to be my birthday- hooray!) To celebrate this enchanting time of year, I am sharing a few photos I casually took recently on a woodland walk near my cottage in Sonoma County. I am in love with the changing colors, the crimson, amber and russet tones that are beginning to enrobe the natural world.

It is clear that the beautiful alchemy of autumn is well underway. Enjoy this magical time. The moon is in its waning phase, so think of all the things you are ready to release that no longer serve you. Write it all down, burn it to ash, give it all to the winds to whisk away like dried, fallen leaves. It’s a time to refresh, to embrace positive change, to invite beauty and magic, and to embrace this season as a personal harvest of all things wonderful.



Autumn blessings to YOU in love and enchantment!

❤ Shana


Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing with Reiki, Crystals, Meditation & Sound

Every Reiki treatment I give includes a complete chakra balancing. This is one of my favorite healing gifts to provide, and I never close a session until each of my client’s main chakras have been cleared, activated and harmonized.

Recently, during my work, I have noticed that many of my clients are experiencing a weakness in the solar plexus chakra. Since this has been a running theme, I thought it would be worthwhile to write a little something about the solar plexus and offer a few tips to help strengthen this area.

The solar plexus is located right below the heart just under the ribcage.

This is a significant point within the energy body. I like to think of the solar plexus as the personal power spot. It is the third chakra. In Sanskrit, it is called Manipura. It relates to the color yellow. To me, it feels like the power of the sun. It holds the energy of personal and spiritual empowerment. It is connected to self-confidence, drive, self-respect, strength, self-worth, courage and a healthy sense of self. Here is more information on the solar plexus chakra:

There are some simple ways to keep this area vitalized. One is to meditate on the color yellow or to simply have the color yellow around. Wearing a yellow shirt, for example, keeping yellow flowers, making yellow art, or bringing decorative yellow accents into the home are some helpful ideas.

Crystal therapy is also effective for chakra balancing. Citrine is one of my favorite crystals, and it can be used to empower the solar plexus. Keep this stone in a place where it can be seen throughout the day like on a work desk or keep it close to the body, tucked away in a pocket or worn as jewelry. If you don’t have citrine, simply visualizing and meditating on its image can be just as effective. If you do this, visualize that the citrine is being placed right inside your solar plexus. This can invoke wonderful healing.

During sessions, I will directly channel the energy of citrine (or whatever crystal shows itself to me that is specialized for the client’s healing) into the solar plexus to amplify its energy. Another technique I use is to draw down the sun. I do this by channeling the powerful sun energy into the solar plexus. My client can further this work by visualizing that the sun is being placed right into the solar plexus. This meditation can fill and warm up this area, which is often what a weak solar plexus needs to be activated and in balance.

Each of the chakras has a sound frequency that relates to it. The seed mantra of the solar plexus is: Ram. Meditating while slowly chanting the word Ram is a way to connect the vibration of your own voice to that of your solar plexus, thus clearing and harmonizing this power point.

The following are two musical videos that focus solely on solar plexus healing using sound frequencies. This first video, Magical Chakra Meditation Chants for Solar Plexus Chakra | RAM Seed Mantra Chanting and Music, is an hour of meditative chanting. You do not have to listen to the entire hour, just a few minutes will be of benefit if your time is limited. I would recommend looking at the screen while listening, so you can focus on the bright yellow image. You may also gain benefits simply by playing the music in the background while you work, meditatively walk, or putter around your home. If you enjoy listening to chants, this may be a great video for you.

If you are reading this post on the emailed version of this blog post, click HERE to watch the video:

This next video is called 528 Hz – Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra. The sound frequency here is designed to match and activate the solar plexus. If you quiet your body and mind enough, you may be able to feel the energy of this music vibrate within your solar plexus.

Click HERE to watch the video if you are reading this post on the emailed version:

Have fun experimenting with colors, crystals, meditations and sounds. If you feel you need a deeper healing and more significant chakra balancing (for any of your chakras), I am always available for distance or in-person Reiki sessions. You are welcome to contact me HERE anytime.

I will leave you with this positive image and mantra:

I wish you much balance, personal empowerment and courageous vitality, always.

Sunshiny Blessings!


Photo Journal of Seattle, Raw Food & Forest Fun

We are deep into late summer. Autumn sneaks just around the corner, teasing us with amber and crimson leaves that dangle from Sonoma County’s twisted old trees. Fall has come early this year, and I couldn’t be happier. I love this time of year; I love autumn and everything it embodies. But, before I cast my farewell kisses to our beloved sweet summer, I would like to share one of my highlights from the season of the sun.

In August, near Lammas, I traveled to Seattle to visit friends and family. As you may know, I used to live in Western Washington, in Seattle and in Bellingham. I love this entire area, for it brims with woodland magic, luscious gardens, deep azul waters and the mystical, tree-clad San Juan Islands. The whole area feels like the womb of Mother Earth- vibrant, abundant, beautiful and pregnant with life.

My time spent in this area was chock full of raw food gatherings, spiritual events and forest frolickings- everything I love! Here is a photo journal, a small taste, of my time in the Pacific Northwest with my spirit sister, Giacinta.

*Note: Most of these photos were taken either by me or my dear friend, Giacinta, with our iPhone cameras. Enjoy the perfect and a few not-so-perfect shots of some very perfect moments. 🙂


First off, I’d like to say thank you to the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) for offering raw food snacks. I found vegan raw bars and kombucha while waiting for my plane. A great way to start my travels off right!

Raw Food Snacks at SFO

Raw Food Snacks at SFO

Kombucha at SFO

Kombucha at SFO


On my first day in Seattle, synchronicity would have it that a recipe for a Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Torte should fall into our laps. Of course, we went right out, bought the ingredients and got to work. This is it…

Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Torte

Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Torte

Garnished with Shaved Chocolate and Curled Orange Rind

Garnished with Shaved Chocolate and Curled Orange Rind

The original recipe for this torte can be found HERE. We made the exact recipe, tasted it, and decided it needed more. To this recipe we increased the raw cacao then added carob, cinnamon, cayenne and vanilla for depth of flavor. We also exchanged the agave for maple syrup. In hindsight, dates would have been the best choice for sweetener. At some point in the future, I will remake this torte and post a proper recipe. Until then, know it was delicious and made a grand appearance at a few raw food gatherings with some very happy friends.

Shana & Giacinta in Orange Chocolate Bliss

Shana & Giacinta in Orange Chocolate Bliss


During one of our in-state journeys, we made our way to North Bend to pick fresh organic blueberries from Bybee Farms nestled at the base of gorgeous Mount Si. (Pictured Below). If you are in the North Bend area and would like to learn more about how you can pick your own berries, click HERE.

Mount Si

A field of Blueberries at Mount Si

This day was one of my favorite days, a highlight indeed. I was surrounded by rows and rows of blueberry bushes and clear skies filled with sunbeams, bumble bees and the sweet scent of fruits and leaves all coddled by the majestic Mount Si. It was incredibly soul-filling!

Organic Blueberries

Organic Blueberries

Shana Picking Organic Blueberries

Shana Picking Organic Blueberries

If you could zoom in on my Café Gratitude shirt, you would see that it reads, “What are you grateful for?” My answer, “Blueberries!” 🙂

A Bounty of Organic Blueberries

A Bounty of Organic Blueberries

As you can imagine, we ate blueberries for days. This is one of the meals we enjoyed among friends, each one of us contributing fruits and vegetables for this shared offering of fresh picked garden greens, blueberries, mango salsa, avocado and zucchini in pesto. Delish!

Summer Foods

Summer Foods


We were serendipitously blessed by a full moon during my time in Seattle. I love full moon energy and love to channel this powerful force during my meditations and healing Reiki sessions. With this being said, we participated in a full moon group meditation to honor Mother Moon in the height of summer as symbolized by my favorite flower, the sunflower. This is the candlelit, celestial altar that centered the meditation.

Full August Moon Altar

Full August Moon Altar


Another amazing evening we shared, and one of my top highlights, was a shamanic full moon drum circle at New Earth Farm in Redmond, WA. (Click HERE to learn more about New Earth Farm) This drum circle took place on private property that held an organic garden and lots of deeply sacred energy. Snuggled in a ring of redwoods and lush ferns, surrounding a fire pit was a circle of stone seats. The fire was lit; we each took our places, called the corners, and drummed, rattled and rolled into the warm moonlit night. The energy that was generated from our primal music and our collective, harmonious presence was magical and not to be forgotten any time soon! I hold the healing vibration and memory of this evening near and dear to my heart.

Drum Circle Venue

Drum Circle at New Earth Farm – Photo by Tom Armstrong


When we weren’t gathering for potlucks, meditation or drumming, we were out and about in Seattle, eating. Three great vegan restaurants I would recommend in Seattle are Café Flora, Chaco Canyon, and Jodee’s. Here are some of the dishes from each restaurant…

Café Flora

Café Flora

This was one of the best things I ate the entire time I was in Seattle. This is Café Flora’s Beet Gnocchi in Pesto with an Herbed Nut Cream, (pictured above) which I shared with Giacinta and my sister, Angel. This was ridiculously delicious and I couldn’t recommend it more!

Chaco Canyon

Chaco Canyon

Above is a photo of some of the offerings at Chaco Canyon in Seattle. We noshed on raw vegan enchiladas, salads and green juice. Delish!



And lastly, the above photo is of Jodee’s raw vegan pizza. Jodee’s, in Green Lake, specializes in raw vegan deserts and smoothies but once in a while she offers up Friday night pizza. This is a yummy slice of her Mexican Pizza.

The abundance of good, healthy, vibrant food gave us energy to run around and play in the forests. Carkeek Park in Seattle is one of my favorite little spots to visit. When I lived in Seattle, I would visit this park often to commune with the nature spirits, walk among the greenlings, hug trees and meditate. When I was here with Giacinta, we came and did much of the same…

Shana Lying Over a Creekbed on a Fallen Tree, Communing with the Leaves

Shana lying across a creek bed on a fallen tree, communing with the leaves

Shana giggling with the forest

Shana giggling with the forest

Giacinta in a creekbed at Carkeek Park

Giacinta in the creek bed, dotted in light


For me, no trip to Seattle is complete without gathering friends for a raw vegan ice cream party and who better to host this type of a gathering than my friend Jeff Rogers, AKA the Naughty Vegan. You can read more about Jeff HERE. Jeff is an amazing ice cream artisan. If you love ice cream, I highly recommend his recipe book, Vice Cream, found HERE. Jeff whipped up a Coconut Peach Ice Cream, Giacinta and I brought frozen bananas and durian, and everyone else brought a variety of frozen summer fruits. Another friend, who, like myself, graduated as a raw chef from Living Light, brought raw vegan caramel and chocolate sauces to drizzle over all the ice cream.

Jeff passed all the frozen fruit through his Champion Juicer to create a soft-serve style ice cream. (The Champion Juicer is an excellent machine to use to turn frozen fruit into ice cream.) This is the delightful mess we made in his kitchen and the yumminess that ensued…

Raw Vegan Ice Cream Party

The makings of a raw vegan ice cream party

A swirling bowl of ice cream

A swirling bowl of fruity ice cream


My last day in the Pacific Northwest was spent in Bellingham, one of my favorite places in Washington. I have lived in Bellingham and have spent much time in this area. This magical, quaint town and the surrounding woodlands have crept into my veins and won’t let me go. I love it here. Giacinta and I went to one of my favorite spots, to Larrabee State Park. It was here we soaked up the grounding energy of the boulders, the vitalizing energy of the ocean and the mystical energy of the rich forest.

Shana in Larrabee State Park

Shana in Larrabee State Park

Shana sprouting out of a tree stump in bliss :)

Shana sprouting out of a tree stump in bliss 🙂

Magical Trails...

A magical trail…

I’ll close this travel journal entry with one of my favorite photos, taken by Giacinta. Here I am in my favorite place, in the forest, becoming One with everything around me. There is no place I would rather be, truly!

Shana in the emerald forest

Shana in the emerald forest

My time in Western Washington this summer was abundantly full of my favorite things. I am brimming with gratitude for everything I experienced and for everyone who shared my journey. I am deeply grateful for Giacinta who walked with me along the way. Until the next time, dear enchanted Washington, I hold you in my emerald heart. Thank you. I love you.