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Posts tagged ‘Autumn Ritual’

The Alchemy of the Autumn Equinox

Autumn is my favorite season, and it is upon us! September 22 at 7:22am PST is the autumn equinox, where light is in perfect balance and the magic of a new season begins to stir. (It also happens to be my birthday- hooray!) To celebrate this enchanting time of year, I am sharing a few photos I casually took recently on a woodland walk near my cottage in Sonoma County. I am in love with the changing colors, the crimson, amber and russet tones that are beginning to enrobe the natural world.

It is clear that the beautiful alchemy of autumn is well underway. Enjoy this magical time. The moon is in its waning phase, so think of all the things you are ready to release that no longer serve you. Write it all down, burn it to ash, give it all to the winds to whisk away like dried, fallen leaves. It’s a time to refresh, to embrace positive change, to invite beauty and magic, and to embrace this season as a personal harvest of all things wonderful.



Autumn blessings to YOU in love and enchantment!

❤ Shana