Worldwide High-Level Reiki ♥ Spiritual Ascension Development ♥ and Beyond…

Posts tagged ‘full moon’

Photo Journal of Seattle, Raw Food & Forest Fun

We are deep into late summer. Autumn sneaks just around the corner, teasing us with amber and crimson leaves that dangle from Sonoma County’s twisted old trees. Fall has come early this year, and I couldn’t be happier. I love this time of year; I love autumn and everything it embodies. But, before I cast my farewell kisses to our beloved sweet summer, I would like to share one of my highlights from the season of the sun.

In August, near Lammas, I traveled to Seattle to visit friends and family. As you may know, I used to live in Western Washington, in Seattle and in Bellingham. I love this entire area, for it brims with woodland magic, luscious gardens, deep azul waters and the mystical, tree-clad San Juan Islands. The whole area feels like the womb of Mother Earth- vibrant, abundant, beautiful and pregnant with life.

My time spent in this area was chock full of raw food gatherings, spiritual events and forest frolickings- everything I love! Here is a photo journal, a small taste, of my time in the Pacific Northwest with my spirit sister, Giacinta.

*Note: Most of these photos were taken either by me or my dear friend, Giacinta, with our iPhone cameras. Enjoy the perfect and a few not-so-perfect shots of some very perfect moments. 🙂


First off, I’d like to say thank you to the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) for offering raw food snacks. I found vegan raw bars and kombucha while waiting for my plane. A great way to start my travels off right!

Raw Food Snacks at SFO

Raw Food Snacks at SFO

Kombucha at SFO

Kombucha at SFO


On my first day in Seattle, synchronicity would have it that a recipe for a Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Torte should fall into our laps. Of course, we went right out, bought the ingredients and got to work. This is it…

Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Torte

Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Torte

Garnished with Shaved Chocolate and Curled Orange Rind

Garnished with Shaved Chocolate and Curled Orange Rind

The original recipe for this torte can be found HERE. We made the exact recipe, tasted it, and decided it needed more. To this recipe we increased the raw cacao then added carob, cinnamon, cayenne and vanilla for depth of flavor. We also exchanged the agave for maple syrup. In hindsight, dates would have been the best choice for sweetener. At some point in the future, I will remake this torte and post a proper recipe. Until then, know it was delicious and made a grand appearance at a few raw food gatherings with some very happy friends.

Shana & Giacinta in Orange Chocolate Bliss

Shana & Giacinta in Orange Chocolate Bliss


During one of our in-state journeys, we made our way to North Bend to pick fresh organic blueberries from Bybee Farms nestled at the base of gorgeous Mount Si. (Pictured Below). If you are in the North Bend area and would like to learn more about how you can pick your own berries, click HERE.

Mount Si

A field of Blueberries at Mount Si

This day was one of my favorite days, a highlight indeed. I was surrounded by rows and rows of blueberry bushes and clear skies filled with sunbeams, bumble bees and the sweet scent of fruits and leaves all coddled by the majestic Mount Si. It was incredibly soul-filling!

Organic Blueberries

Organic Blueberries

Shana Picking Organic Blueberries

Shana Picking Organic Blueberries

If you could zoom in on my Café Gratitude shirt, you would see that it reads, “What are you grateful for?” My answer, “Blueberries!” 🙂

A Bounty of Organic Blueberries

A Bounty of Organic Blueberries

As you can imagine, we ate blueberries for days. This is one of the meals we enjoyed among friends, each one of us contributing fruits and vegetables for this shared offering of fresh picked garden greens, blueberries, mango salsa, avocado and zucchini in pesto. Delish!

Summer Foods

Summer Foods


We were serendipitously blessed by a full moon during my time in Seattle. I love full moon energy and love to channel this powerful force during my meditations and healing Reiki sessions. With this being said, we participated in a full moon group meditation to honor Mother Moon in the height of summer as symbolized by my favorite flower, the sunflower. This is the candlelit, celestial altar that centered the meditation.

Full August Moon Altar

Full August Moon Altar


Another amazing evening we shared, and one of my top highlights, was a shamanic full moon drum circle at New Earth Farm in Redmond, WA. (Click HERE to learn more about New Earth Farm) This drum circle took place on private property that held an organic garden and lots of deeply sacred energy. Snuggled in a ring of redwoods and lush ferns, surrounding a fire pit was a circle of stone seats. The fire was lit; we each took our places, called the corners, and drummed, rattled and rolled into the warm moonlit night. The energy that was generated from our primal music and our collective, harmonious presence was magical and not to be forgotten any time soon! I hold the healing vibration and memory of this evening near and dear to my heart.

Drum Circle Venue

Drum Circle at New Earth Farm – Photo by Tom Armstrong


When we weren’t gathering for potlucks, meditation or drumming, we were out and about in Seattle, eating. Three great vegan restaurants I would recommend in Seattle are Café Flora, Chaco Canyon, and Jodee’s. Here are some of the dishes from each restaurant…

Café Flora

Café Flora

This was one of the best things I ate the entire time I was in Seattle. This is Café Flora’s Beet Gnocchi in Pesto with an Herbed Nut Cream, (pictured above) which I shared with Giacinta and my sister, Angel. This was ridiculously delicious and I couldn’t recommend it more!

Chaco Canyon

Chaco Canyon

Above is a photo of some of the offerings at Chaco Canyon in Seattle. We noshed on raw vegan enchiladas, salads and green juice. Delish!



And lastly, the above photo is of Jodee’s raw vegan pizza. Jodee’s, in Green Lake, specializes in raw vegan deserts and smoothies but once in a while she offers up Friday night pizza. This is a yummy slice of her Mexican Pizza.

The abundance of good, healthy, vibrant food gave us energy to run around and play in the forests. Carkeek Park in Seattle is one of my favorite little spots to visit. When I lived in Seattle, I would visit this park often to commune with the nature spirits, walk among the greenlings, hug trees and meditate. When I was here with Giacinta, we came and did much of the same…

Shana Lying Over a Creekbed on a Fallen Tree, Communing with the Leaves

Shana lying across a creek bed on a fallen tree, communing with the leaves

Shana giggling with the forest

Shana giggling with the forest

Giacinta in a creekbed at Carkeek Park

Giacinta in the creek bed, dotted in light


For me, no trip to Seattle is complete without gathering friends for a raw vegan ice cream party and who better to host this type of a gathering than my friend Jeff Rogers, AKA the Naughty Vegan. You can read more about Jeff HERE. Jeff is an amazing ice cream artisan. If you love ice cream, I highly recommend his recipe book, Vice Cream, found HERE. Jeff whipped up a Coconut Peach Ice Cream, Giacinta and I brought frozen bananas and durian, and everyone else brought a variety of frozen summer fruits. Another friend, who, like myself, graduated as a raw chef from Living Light, brought raw vegan caramel and chocolate sauces to drizzle over all the ice cream.

Jeff passed all the frozen fruit through his Champion Juicer to create a soft-serve style ice cream. (The Champion Juicer is an excellent machine to use to turn frozen fruit into ice cream.) This is the delightful mess we made in his kitchen and the yumminess that ensued…

Raw Vegan Ice Cream Party

The makings of a raw vegan ice cream party

A swirling bowl of ice cream

A swirling bowl of fruity ice cream


My last day in the Pacific Northwest was spent in Bellingham, one of my favorite places in Washington. I have lived in Bellingham and have spent much time in this area. This magical, quaint town and the surrounding woodlands have crept into my veins and won’t let me go. I love it here. Giacinta and I went to one of my favorite spots, to Larrabee State Park. It was here we soaked up the grounding energy of the boulders, the vitalizing energy of the ocean and the mystical energy of the rich forest.

Shana in Larrabee State Park

Shana in Larrabee State Park

Shana sprouting out of a tree stump in bliss :)

Shana sprouting out of a tree stump in bliss 🙂

Magical Trails...

A magical trail…

I’ll close this travel journal entry with one of my favorite photos, taken by Giacinta. Here I am in my favorite place, in the forest, becoming One with everything around me. There is no place I would rather be, truly!

Shana in the emerald forest

Shana in the emerald forest

My time in Western Washington this summer was abundantly full of my favorite things. I am brimming with gratitude for everything I experienced and for everyone who shared my journey. I am deeply grateful for Giacinta who walked with me along the way. Until the next time, dear enchanted Washington, I hold you in my emerald heart. Thank you. I love you.

Free Reiki on the Full Moon of the Buddha & Wesak

I am spiritually called to offer another one of my Free Distance Reiki Pools for anyone who would like extra healing for themselves, a loved-one (human or animal) or for any life situation that could benefit from a positive dose of light, love and prayer. Feel free to think globally in your requests! (As you read below, you’ll see why.) If you would like to add yourself, someone else or an event that needs healing to my Reiki Pool, please leave a note below in the comment section or contact me privately by clicking HERE. I will be in meditation throughout the next five days, during the festival of Wesak, sending healing globally. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to receive Free Distance Reiki energy and prayer this week. I look forward to hearing from you!

*   *   *

Wesak (pronounced WE-sock) is an observed holy holiday in Southeast Asia and one of the most important festivals in the Buddhist calendar. This year in the United States, Wesak is this Wednesday on May 14th. This is a celebration of the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death. It is honored around the world by Buddhists during the full moon of May. It’s an honoring that begins two days before the full moon and ends two days after the full moon. An article (I highly recommend you read) by Alice A. Bailey explains Wesak in much more detail and how it astrologically and spiritually relates to us now during the 2014 May full moon in Scorpio with the sun in Taurus. You can find the article by clicking HERE. (A special thanks to my dear friend, Giacinta, who originally shared this article with me.)

Wesak (also spelled Vesak) is a five day period of practicing non-self importance, generosity of spirit, being of service to others, widening perspective and working for the greater good of humanity. It is about globalized spiritual consciousness. It’s a time to hold ourselves, others and the entire world in divine light and unconditional love to raise the individual and collective vibration on Earth.

The following video further explains Wesak. Please know that this video was created last year, in 2013, so the dates of Wesak as posted on the video do not apply to 2014. Wesak is always honored during May’s full moon, so every year the dates of this festival changes. This year, in 2014, Wesak occurs on May 14th, which is this Wednesday!

As stated in the above video and timed at 6:22 of the video, is the following:

What can we do to play our part in the Wesak festival?

For two days prior to the Wesak full moon, the day of the full moon and for the two subsequent days, endeavor to do the following things:

  • Link up with all people of spiritual intention and good will throughout the world.
  • Using the creative imagination, eliminate out of your consciousness all negativity. See yourself clear and on the side of the forces of light.
  • Preserve a spirit of love for all individuals.
  • When meditating and invoking the forces of light, endeavor to forget entirely your own personal difficulties, tragedies and problems.
  • Endeavor at sunrise, at noon, at five o’clock and at sunset plus the exact time of the full moon in your own land to say The Great Invocation (below) with the intent to invoke, precipitate and anchor an art of manifestation the waiting potencies. Do this aloud when possible and in group formation whenever feasible.

The Great Invocation:

“From the point of light from within the light of God, let light stream forth into human minds. Let light descend on Earth. From the point of love within the heart of God, let love stream forth into human hearts. May the coming One return to Earth. From the center where the will of God is known, let purpose guide all human wills- the purpose which the masters know and serve. From the center which we call the human race, let the plan of love and light work out and may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let light and love and power restore the plan on Earth.”  

*   *   *

If you are interested in honoring Wesak, you can follow the suggestions above in how to play your part. This is helpful for those who thrive with structure and a clear purpose. The Great Invocation is, indeed, a beautiful prayer for the world. For some of you, however, simply spending this week by being more conscious, meditative and altruistic, may feel like a more free-flowing way to celebrate this sacred week.

Some ideas for the week ahead (and please, do whatever resonates and feels good to you):

  • Meditate daily
  • Start a fast (or juice feast)
  • If you’re a healer, send global healing
  • If you pray, pray for others
  • Do something for the greater good of humanity, small or large
  • Be of service
  • Practice unconditional compassion for all Beings everywhere
  • Be mindful
  • Reconnect with your spirituality
  • Do anything that you feel raises your vibration
  • Or simply contact me for Free Distance Reiki 🙂

With pure radiant light and love, have a very blessed and sacred week ahead as we honor Wesak, the Buddha, all spiritual masters, the full moon, Mother Earth and each other.

Peace and Reiki Blessings, Shana        

Spring into the Season of the Leprechaun 🍀

March is such a beautiful, transformative and magical month. We are in the midst of a very awakened, potent and playful time. Tonight, we are graced with a full moon that brims with new possibilities, growth and forward movement. Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day (one of my personal favorite days of the year, being that I am a green-eyed Irish lass.) And, on the 20th, this Thursday, we welcome in the spring equinox (the autumn equinox for my friends in the southern hemisphere), the first day of spring, and Ostara! There is so much to celebrate this week and lots of fun energy to play with, embrace and harness.

St. Patrick’s Day

I love St. Patrick’s Day, because it is one of those special days in which millions of people around the world not only recognize Leprechauns but they honor them and call to them, in search of  that pot of gold or the elusive yet lucky four leaf clover, in which the Leprechauns seem to be the guardians. In turn, the little people, the Leprechauns love this day too, because they get the recognition and attention they absolutely adore.

With this being said, much of this post will be about honoring the Leprechauns and all of the elementals (faeries, gnomes, trolls, elves, etc). I have been asked to dedicate some writing to the little people, so this is my tribute and my promise made good. 🙂

The plants in my home shimmy and giggle as I write these words, for the plant kingdom and the elementals are deeply connected. It is the elementals, the nature spirits, who energetically nurture and help grow all plant life on our majestic planet Earth. Here’s an example of the fun the plants and elementals have together:

I brought this brilliant pot of shamrocks home at the beginning of the month…

Magical Shamrocks

Magical Shamrocks

It has bloomed in white flowers that smile at me whenever I send my attention its way. This is the one plant in my home that is constantly twitching and wiggling- all by itself, without any draft or any “visible” source for this movement. It seems the fae, the elements, in my home (and I have many here) LOVE the shamrocks. And, who could blame them! They are filled with happy emerald goodness, and they represent the magic of the season we are entering.

🍀    🍀    🍀

My dad is a big faery lover. When my sister and I where little girls, he would take us hiking in the forested hills of Oakland, CA. There, we would search for faeries and trolls. He truly ignited our imaginations and our little green hearts. I still love the essence of the elementals and all the playfulness and pure joy they bring into my life. Even more so now then I did then, if you can imagine that!

Many years ago he gave me a book called, Summer with the Leprechauns, by Tanis Helliwell. I read it, enjoyed it, then forgot about it. Back then, I read the book before I actually had my own personal experiences with the elementals, so I took it as a lovely story and that was that.

More recently, I rediscovered this book at the Mountain Spirit Co-Op’s spiritual library in Prescott, where I provide Reiki Healings and Intuitive Readings. I took it home and fell in love with this true story all over again, which had far more meaning for me now that I actually experience, see, hear and feel the elementals first hand.

The book, which you can find HERE, is filled with spiritual lessons and mind expanding ideas. I highly recommend it to everyone. Even if you do not believe in the little people, it is a very fun read!

The following is a short video of the author, Tanis Helliwell, chatting a bit about her experience and insight with the elementals:

With the guidance of her Leprechaun friend, Helliwell has comprised a list of 10 things humans can do to connect with and experience the elementals. The following list was taken straight from her book, Summer with the Leprechauns:

 Ten Ways for Humans to Work with Elementals, by Tanis Helliwell

  1. Believe in elements. Human belief strengthens elementals and gives them energy.
  2. Be happy and enthusiastic. Elementals are not attracted to depressed, sad humans.
  3. Go to healthy places in nature as often as possible. Walk in forests, along the seashore, lie in a meadow, and listen to birds. Align yourself with the right vibration of the Earth and listen to what it wants. Humans raise their frequency if they do these things.
  4. Appreciate the beauty in nature. When humans do this, elementals are attracted to you.
  5. Cooperate and create with nature by planting trees, growing flowers, and feeding the birds.
  6. Send energy to elementals who look after trees, flowers, water, mountains, to keep them healthy. Do this with joy and gratitude.
  7. Teach other humans to appreciate nature. Do it with love and joy and these humans will begin to understand the Earth’s needs.
  8. Do things spontaneously; free yourself from over-planning and organizing.
  9. Take time every day to do nothing. Create a space in both your house and head so magic can occur.
  10. In order to contact an elemental who wants to work with you, sit in a quiet natural place, close your eyes, and call this elemental to you. Listen to this elemental; act on its suggestions, and your long-term relationship will become stronger.

With all this, if you gobble up Helliwell’s Summer with the Leprechaun book and can’t get enough, she has written a sequel, which I also recommend. It is called Pilgrimage with the Leprechauns, A True Story of a Mystical Tour of Ireland. You can find it HERE, and it is also filled with thought-provoking spiritual lessons and wonderment.

🍀    🍀    🍀

We could not have been blessed by a full moon at a better time, for it is under the light of the moon that it is far easier to see, feel and connect with the elementals. If you want to learn to see nature spirits, practicing using your second sight is far easier in hazy environments like that of a misty forest, at home with candlelight, while taking a steamy bath, at dusk or twilight and, my favorite, during a full moon.

I discovered this little trick by accident. I was sitting in the living room at midnight one evening during a full moon. All the lights in the house were off and the curtains were open so that all the ethereal, mystical, glorious light of the full moon flooded the room. I sat there quietly, writing poetry while bathed in moonlight. Did I mention how much the elementals love it when you create? This includes any art, song, poetry, or dance- anything you do creative at all will attract them.

As I sat there writing, I saw tiny pinpoint lights of red and green flash, flicker and zip by me. I felt little shadows fly around and little white lights wiz by, trailing bits of magic in the air. To me, all this was very playful and whimsical. Needless to say, some wonderful poetry flowed from my imagination and fingertips that evening!

🍀    🍀    🍀

We are deeply blessed to be celebrating the first day of spring this Thursday. Hip hip hooray!! For those of you who have endured a long cold winter, this shift of energy, as we cross the spring equinox, is an intoxicating breath of fresh air. Let us all fill our lungs and our hearts with the promise of warmer times, greener landscapes, blooming flowers, longer languid days and merry nights. Take a moment right now and breathe in all of this splendid goodness. Take it to the core of your Being and relish in all the sensory pleasure this season has to offer.

The spring equinox is also called Ostara, a festival of old that celebrates fertility, renewal, rebirth and growth of the plant and animal kingdoms as symbolized by the egg, the rabbit, spring flowers such as tulips and daffodils as well as soft young colors like lavender, pink, baby blue, light green and yellow. Sound a little bit like Easter? Well, it should. These are the symbols of this magical time of year as embraced by many different religions.

This is also a perfect time to connect to elementals. It has been said that the veil between our dense 3rd dimensional world and that of the fae thins during this time of year, specifically during Ostara on March 20. So, if you would like to follow some of the suggestions on Helliwell’s list of ways to work with the elementals, this Thursday would be an auspicious time to try it out for yourself. It’s also a great time to simply spend some quality meditative time in nature to love and honor Mother Earth and her creatures. Of which you are one! ♥

If you try Helliwell’s list or any of the things I have mentioned above and have some Irish luck experiencing the elementals or if you have already had magical connections with them, I would love to hear about your experiences.  You are joyfully invited to share your stories in the comment section below or share with me privately HERE. I love hearing from my readers and relish in the synchronicity, magic and playfulness the elementals bring to us all.

Thank you for delighting me in this whimsical post, which I am dedicating to the Leprechauns, to all elementals, to Mother Nature herself, to the essence of spring and of new beginnings, to the moon, the sun, to St. Patrick, and to all of YOU. ♥

I wish you many blessings during this awakening time of transformation as we each grow into the fullness of our own true natures.

Happy Full Moon 🍀 Happy St. Patrick’s Day 🍀 Happy Spring Equinox 🍀 Ostara Blessings 🍀 And, cheers to a fulfilling, playful and enlightened new season!

With emerald light and love, Sláinte!

Valentine & Healing Heart Reiki ♥


February is a month of love. This doesn’t necessarily mean only romantic love, though this is what consumerism would like us all to buy into. Personally, I like to embrace this time as a month to nurture the heart, to HEAL the HEART, to become more unconditionally compassionate, and to follow the heart.

Amplifying the heart-centered energies of the coming holiday, Valentine’s Day just happens to auspiciously coincide with February’s full moon! (2014 has been filled with blessed cosmic alignments thus far!) To honor the essence of the heart and to harness the empowering celestial energy of the full moon, I am offering a Healing Heart Reiki and Reading Special. Read below to learn more…

But first, what is Valentine’s Day really all about? Do you know the historical roots of this love-centered day?

Saint Valentine ♥

February 14th is a Christian holiday, celebrating Saint Valentine of Rome. Saint Valentine was a healer, a minister and a compassionate soul. Legend has it that he was imprisoned for ministering to Christians who had been prosecuted under the Roman Empire. He also performed weddings for couples who were forbidden to wed. His love, guidance and care for the disenfranchised and faulted members of society is the foundation of this love-filled holiday.

But, there is another layer here. According to legend, while Saint Valentine was imprisoned, he healed the daughter of his own captor and jailer. It is also said, that before his execution, he wrote a farewell letter to her, signing it, “Your Valentine.”

Whether this legend is fact or fiction, does this act not exemplify the very essence of unconditional compassion to heal the relative of your own enemy? If we learn any lessons from the story of Saint Valentine, honoring Valentine’s Day should be about celebrating and exercising our own compassion and love for all.

This legend also tells of Saint Valentine as a healer. This little tidbit of information is significant. I have always felt that Valentine’s Day should be about healing the heart and living from the heart. This is what Saint Valentine embraced in life and this is his legacy.

Pagan Roots to Valentine’s Day ♥

In ancient times, February 14th was a day of love lotteries in pagan Rome. Young girls would write their names on little pieces of paper and place them into jars to be picked anonymously by boys and partnered for the festival. This holiday was a time to honor the Goddess of fertility, childbirth and marriage.

As Christianity entered the landscape of our religious history, Christian holidays were placed near pagan festivals to encourage the pagans to convert more willingly to Christianity. Valentine’s Day is no different. February 14th was assigned as the day to honor the Christian Saint Valentine.

Chaucer and Romantic Courtship ♥

Valentine’s Day was re-introduced as a day of courtship and romantic love by Geoffrey Chaucer during the high middle ages.

Chaucer, known as the father of English literature, lived from circa 1343 to 1400. He was considered the greatest English poet of his time. One of his most popular written works known today is The Canterbury Tales

Though best known as an author, he was also a philosopher, an alchemist and an astronomer. He associated Valentine’s Day as a day of romance during a time when courtly love was flourishing in England’s high society. From this point on, and in post-modern times, this day has been associated with hearts, gifts, flowers, chocolates, poetry and romantic courtship.

I am a descendant of Chaucer on my father’s side and have a long recorded family tree that takes me back to the middle ages. It is no wonder I am a poet at heart, a writer and a lover of deep philosophy, alchemy and astronomy.  These interests run in my blood.

To honor my own ancestral roots to Valentine’s Day and to honor the compassionate healing efforts of Saint Valentine himself, I am offering a Healing Heart Reiki & Reading Special.

This February 14th is also a significant and powerful time astrologically, because it happens to land right on (or more accurately, under) the full moon! I suspect Chaucer would be delighted with this celestial alignment on this day of love. This is the stuff poetry is made of.

♥ ♥ ♥ Full Moon, Healing Heart Reiki & Readings ♥ ♥ ♥

From NOW until the full moon, at midnight of February 14th, I am offering a Healing Heart Reiki & Reading Special for only $75. This combo session is performed by distance and enjoyed in the comfort of your own home. Click HERE  to learn more about my distance healings. I will give you an hour of heart-centered Reiki healing, which will be followed by a reading that I will send to you via email at the conclusion of the session.

The reading entails the information I pick up on your behalf during the healing. I become an open channel during each of my Reiki healings and receive messages from totem animals, angels, crystals, spirit guides and more. I will detail what I “see,” what I healed, balanced and harmonized for you, what blocks I identified and cleared, and I will give you any messages I receive for your furthered healing and spiritual forward movement.

I am acutely aware that there is a great need for heart healing. I notice this with the clients I work with on a day-to-day basis. Energetically, I feel there is a need for heart healing around the world. Just because romance is the theme of February, I like to extend healing to those who are in need of divine love, who would like to learn how to embrace Self-love, and who would like to heal old (or new) wounds. This month should be about the healing powers of the heart and of love in all its forms. And, I am honoring it as such.

My Healing Heart Reiki is good for you if you are in need of any or all of the following areas:

♥ To help you fully and completely love your Self

♥ Heal a wounded heart

♥ Allow you to open your heart to love

♥ Learn to trust love and trust your Self

♥ Help you heal from the loss of a loved-one

♥ Grief recovery

♥ Give you courage to compassionately leave an unhealthy relationship

♥ Learn how to be more unconditionally loving and patient to others

♥ Encourage you to do loving, nurturing things for your Self and others

♥ To support a harmonious romantic partnership

♥ Guide you to communicate and speak from the heart

♥ Help you to live a life from the heart

♥ Move you into your heart space

♥ To extend unconditional compassion to all sentient Beings

♥ Teach you to follow your heart with courage and grace

♥ Connect your 3rd eye (intuition) to your heart chakra

♥ Clear energy blocks and open your heart chakra

♥ Heal the physical heart and cardiovascular system

♥ Harmonize your throat chakra (the self-expression center) with your heart chakra for compassionate communication

♥ Help you forgive yourself and others

♥ Heal the past

♥ Recover and move on from a relationship that has ended

♥ Promote love-centered forward movement

♥ Awaken romance and sensuality

♥ Allow you to connect with your divine feminine aspects

♥ Inspire poetry and artistry

♥ Call in a new romantic relationship into your life

♥ Heal misunderstandings, resentments, guilt, misgivings and negative energy

♥ Learn to embrace love fully and to extend it to the world

♥ To live from a place of unconditional compassion and unconditional love for all including your Self

To sign up for my Healing Heart Reiki & Reading Special, contact me HERE.

You can get one or as many of these sessions as you wish for your Self or for a loved one, a friend or a partner. This is a beautiful gift of love and healing. You can buy now and use any time in 2014, however, the last chance to buy this special is February 14th at midnight. Please don’t hesitate in contacting me if this Healing Heart offer resonates with you or would be helpful for someone you love.

With unconditional love and pink healing light ♥ Shana

 ♥  ♥  ♥

“When I stand before thee at the day’s end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing.” ~Rabindranath Tagore

 ♥  ♥  ♥

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” ~Morrie Schwartz


Free Full Moon Reiki

Full Moon Reiki Healings

Full Moon Reiki Healings

I am offering a collective healing and prayer service this Wednesday during the full moon. Please leave any healing requests in the comment section below.

Every so often I like to offer collective Reiki energy for anyone who feels they would benefit from some extra healing and prayer in their lives. This is a free service that I am called to provide to everyone at special times of the year or when it just feels intuitively right to do so. This is one of those times.

I have been sensing that there is a great deal of healing, shifting and lightening that needs to take place right now. My Reiki is not only good for healing and easing physical issues from events like sickness, injury or surgery, but it also works for life situations like job searches, weight loss or relationships. It is effective for setting positive intensions, to release unwanted habits or for anything else you can possibly image. There are no limits! Anything at all you would like healing light around, I would be honored to provide this.

I refer to this mass, collective healing and prayer service as my Reiki Pool.

All you have to do to be a part of this Pool is to let me know you wish to be added. You can add your own name to the Pool, that of a loved-one, and even a beloved pet. Any request you have for me, I will send prayer and positive Reiki energy.

Already added to my Reiki Pool is the planet Earth as a loving, healing, awakening collective Being. Included with this is the entire situation around Fukushima. If you wish to add any other global event that touches your heart to the healing Pool, I will happily accept your compassionate requests.

I will send out Reiki and prayers this Wednesday evening on 1/15/2014, which is a very special time. It is the first full moon of 2014! I will draw on the abundant power of the beautiful full moon and infuse it with my Reiki for extra light, angelic blessings, deep healings, positive shifts and magical goodness.

I am collecting names from now until Wednesday afternoon. Please do not delay in contacting me if you wish to be a part of this Pool. Again, to make a healing and prayer request, simply leave a note for me in the comments section below. If you choose to remain anonymous, you can contact me privately via email by clicking HERE.

With unconditional compassion, pure love and healing light,

♥ Shana