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Posts tagged ‘Meditation’

Cosmic PRANA Retreat with Elitom & Shana Dean in July! [Online]

Blessings Light Ones! 

Breatharian and Chigong Master, Elitom El-amin, and Reiki Master Teacher, Shana Dean, are offering a new online Cosmic PRANA Retreat!

I am excited to announce that Elitom and I will be leading a Cosmic PRANA Retreat at the end of the month. Elitom is currently touring and shining the Light in Africa, so this will be an online retreat, accessible for everyone around the world. I will be broadcasting this retreat LIVE from Sedona, Arizona, via ZOOM.

This retreat is designed for you to access your higher consciousness while dramatically increasing the cosmic energy in your physical body. This retreat is perfect for the beginner or advanced practitioner. Pranic nourishment, flourishing health, peace, happiness and freedom awaits you!

To hear the testimonials of our online pranic retreats, click HERE.

This is a rare offering. (Our last online retreat was back in 2020!) We have led many in-person retreats in Sedona over the past few years. Because of popular demand and to be of more global support to those around the world, we have decided to offer our collective teachings online now! This is an amazing opportunity to be with both Elitom and I while meeting other like-minded, high frequency friends who are interested in thriving with a pranic lifestyle.

Here are the details:

Cosmic PRANA Retreat with Elitom El-amin & Shana Dean!

  • WHEN: July 27 – July 30 (Thursday – Sunday)
  • TIME: 9:00am to 11:00am (Pacific StandardTime / San Francisco Time)
  • WHERE: Zoom
  • COST: In compassionate response to the inflated economy, the Cosmic PRANA Retreat is currently discounted 50% off! The total price right now is ONLY $222 USD!

You have 3 retreat options:

  • 1) One day pass $55.5
  • 2) Two day pass $111.
  • 3) Full four day pass $222.

  • This hands-on, experiential retreat will include daily:
  • – Fasting
  • – Chi gong
  • – Guided Pranic Meditations
  • – Breathwork (Pranayama)
  • – Discussions & Teachings
  • – Q & A

This online retreat is 4 days in length and can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home. You will be anchoring a higher, cosmic, body-nourishing Light into your living space during this activating retreat. You will meet us once a day from 9:00am to 11:00am (PST / San Francisco Time) on Zoom for a LIVE interactive talk, for energy cultivation exercises like chi gong, breathwork and guided meditations and for fasting support, personal sharing and Q&A with both myself and Elitom. You will see us both LIVE online during these interactive gatherings.

The rest of the day, you will be following a self-guided Pranic Checklist that you can do on your own time. At the end of each day, you will turn in your checklist for accountability and to keep your motivation high.

If you have never used Zoom before, it is very easy. You will be emailed a link to click on, and you will be automatically connected to Elitom, Shana and to the other participants online. It is helpful if you have a camera on your computer so you can be seen, but this is not necessary.

The Cosmic PRANA Retreat is mind expanding, energizing, empowering, educational, transformative, highly inspiring, life changing and will set a high frequency tone for the months ahead. It is an intimate gathering with ample personal attention within the collective.

You will meet other pranic friends and will have the opportunity to build your own supportive high vibrational community as you develop yourself on every level.

***To REGISTER for the Cosmic PRANA Retreat with Elitom El-Amin & Shana Dean, contact Shana HERE.

Since I offer many other services like personal Distance Reiki Therapy, Reiki Classes, Personal Pranic Coaching, Breathwork Sessions and Intuitive Spiritual Mentoring, please write, “Cosmic Retreat” in your message to me. Thank you!

We are excited to share the Cosmic PRANA with you soon!

Crystalline blessings in higher consciousness, love and lightness!

You are welcome to contact me here if you have any questions or if you would like to register. ❤🌎❤

I am also teaching a Reiki 3 ART (Advanced Reiki Training) class via Zoon on Saturday July 22nd, if you are already a certified Reiki 2 practitioner and going to the next level of you healing ability speaks to your sweet spirit.

If you have never experienced Reiki before and would like to learn Reiki or to receive a private Reiki session with me, you are invited to reach out to me anytime HERE. I am offering Certified Usui Reiki Classes of all levels (Reiki I, II, III ART and Reiki Master Teacher) in the months of July and August.

I am here to support your highest, happiest journey! This is my Light mission, my highest excitement and my honor. 

In loving service always, 

Shana ❤❤❤

Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing with Reiki, Crystals, Meditation & Sound

Every Reiki treatment I give includes a complete chakra balancing. This is one of my favorite healing gifts to provide, and I never close a session until each of my client’s main chakras have been cleared, activated and harmonized.

Recently, during my work, I have noticed that many of my clients are experiencing a weakness in the solar plexus chakra. Since this has been a running theme, I thought it would be worthwhile to write a little something about the solar plexus and offer a few tips to help strengthen this area.

The solar plexus is located right below the heart just under the ribcage.

This is a significant point within the energy body. I like to think of the solar plexus as the personal power spot. It is the third chakra. In Sanskrit, it is called Manipura. It relates to the color yellow. To me, it feels like the power of the sun. It holds the energy of personal and spiritual empowerment. It is connected to self-confidence, drive, self-respect, strength, self-worth, courage and a healthy sense of self. Here is more information on the solar plexus chakra:

There are some simple ways to keep this area vitalized. One is to meditate on the color yellow or to simply have the color yellow around. Wearing a yellow shirt, for example, keeping yellow flowers, making yellow art, or bringing decorative yellow accents into the home are some helpful ideas.

Crystal therapy is also effective for chakra balancing. Citrine is one of my favorite crystals, and it can be used to empower the solar plexus. Keep this stone in a place where it can be seen throughout the day like on a work desk or keep it close to the body, tucked away in a pocket or worn as jewelry. If you don’t have citrine, simply visualizing and meditating on its image can be just as effective. If you do this, visualize that the citrine is being placed right inside your solar plexus. This can invoke wonderful healing.

During sessions, I will directly channel the energy of citrine (or whatever crystal shows itself to me that is specialized for the client’s healing) into the solar plexus to amplify its energy. Another technique I use is to draw down the sun. I do this by channeling the powerful sun energy into the solar plexus. My client can further this work by visualizing that the sun is being placed right into the solar plexus. This meditation can fill and warm up this area, which is often what a weak solar plexus needs to be activated and in balance.

Each of the chakras has a sound frequency that relates to it. The seed mantra of the solar plexus is: Ram. Meditating while slowly chanting the word Ram is a way to connect the vibration of your own voice to that of your solar plexus, thus clearing and harmonizing this power point.

The following are two musical videos that focus solely on solar plexus healing using sound frequencies. This first video, Magical Chakra Meditation Chants for Solar Plexus Chakra | RAM Seed Mantra Chanting and Music, is an hour of meditative chanting. You do not have to listen to the entire hour, just a few minutes will be of benefit if your time is limited. I would recommend looking at the screen while listening, so you can focus on the bright yellow image. You may also gain benefits simply by playing the music in the background while you work, meditatively walk, or putter around your home. If you enjoy listening to chants, this may be a great video for you.

If you are reading this post on the emailed version of this blog post, click HERE to watch the video:

This next video is called 528 Hz – Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra. The sound frequency here is designed to match and activate the solar plexus. If you quiet your body and mind enough, you may be able to feel the energy of this music vibrate within your solar plexus.

Click HERE to watch the video if you are reading this post on the emailed version:

Have fun experimenting with colors, crystals, meditations and sounds. If you feel you need a deeper healing and more significant chakra balancing (for any of your chakras), I am always available for distance or in-person Reiki sessions. You are welcome to contact me HERE anytime.

I will leave you with this positive image and mantra:

I wish you much balance, personal empowerment and courageous vitality, always.

Sunshiny Blessings!


Photo Journal of Seattle, Raw Food & Forest Fun

We are deep into late summer. Autumn sneaks just around the corner, teasing us with amber and crimson leaves that dangle from Sonoma County’s twisted old trees. Fall has come early this year, and I couldn’t be happier. I love this time of year; I love autumn and everything it embodies. But, before I cast my farewell kisses to our beloved sweet summer, I would like to share one of my highlights from the season of the sun.

In August, near Lammas, I traveled to Seattle to visit friends and family. As you may know, I used to live in Western Washington, in Seattle and in Bellingham. I love this entire area, for it brims with woodland magic, luscious gardens, deep azul waters and the mystical, tree-clad San Juan Islands. The whole area feels like the womb of Mother Earth- vibrant, abundant, beautiful and pregnant with life.

My time spent in this area was chock full of raw food gatherings, spiritual events and forest frolickings- everything I love! Here is a photo journal, a small taste, of my time in the Pacific Northwest with my spirit sister, Giacinta.

*Note: Most of these photos were taken either by me or my dear friend, Giacinta, with our iPhone cameras. Enjoy the perfect and a few not-so-perfect shots of some very perfect moments. 🙂


First off, I’d like to say thank you to the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) for offering raw food snacks. I found vegan raw bars and kombucha while waiting for my plane. A great way to start my travels off right!

Raw Food Snacks at SFO

Raw Food Snacks at SFO

Kombucha at SFO

Kombucha at SFO


On my first day in Seattle, synchronicity would have it that a recipe for a Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Torte should fall into our laps. Of course, we went right out, bought the ingredients and got to work. This is it…

Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Torte

Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Torte

Garnished with Shaved Chocolate and Curled Orange Rind

Garnished with Shaved Chocolate and Curled Orange Rind

The original recipe for this torte can be found HERE. We made the exact recipe, tasted it, and decided it needed more. To this recipe we increased the raw cacao then added carob, cinnamon, cayenne and vanilla for depth of flavor. We also exchanged the agave for maple syrup. In hindsight, dates would have been the best choice for sweetener. At some point in the future, I will remake this torte and post a proper recipe. Until then, know it was delicious and made a grand appearance at a few raw food gatherings with some very happy friends.

Shana & Giacinta in Orange Chocolate Bliss

Shana & Giacinta in Orange Chocolate Bliss


During one of our in-state journeys, we made our way to North Bend to pick fresh organic blueberries from Bybee Farms nestled at the base of gorgeous Mount Si. (Pictured Below). If you are in the North Bend area and would like to learn more about how you can pick your own berries, click HERE.

Mount Si

A field of Blueberries at Mount Si

This day was one of my favorite days, a highlight indeed. I was surrounded by rows and rows of blueberry bushes and clear skies filled with sunbeams, bumble bees and the sweet scent of fruits and leaves all coddled by the majestic Mount Si. It was incredibly soul-filling!

Organic Blueberries

Organic Blueberries

Shana Picking Organic Blueberries

Shana Picking Organic Blueberries

If you could zoom in on my Café Gratitude shirt, you would see that it reads, “What are you grateful for?” My answer, “Blueberries!” 🙂

A Bounty of Organic Blueberries

A Bounty of Organic Blueberries

As you can imagine, we ate blueberries for days. This is one of the meals we enjoyed among friends, each one of us contributing fruits and vegetables for this shared offering of fresh picked garden greens, blueberries, mango salsa, avocado and zucchini in pesto. Delish!

Summer Foods

Summer Foods


We were serendipitously blessed by a full moon during my time in Seattle. I love full moon energy and love to channel this powerful force during my meditations and healing Reiki sessions. With this being said, we participated in a full moon group meditation to honor Mother Moon in the height of summer as symbolized by my favorite flower, the sunflower. This is the candlelit, celestial altar that centered the meditation.

Full August Moon Altar

Full August Moon Altar


Another amazing evening we shared, and one of my top highlights, was a shamanic full moon drum circle at New Earth Farm in Redmond, WA. (Click HERE to learn more about New Earth Farm) This drum circle took place on private property that held an organic garden and lots of deeply sacred energy. Snuggled in a ring of redwoods and lush ferns, surrounding a fire pit was a circle of stone seats. The fire was lit; we each took our places, called the corners, and drummed, rattled and rolled into the warm moonlit night. The energy that was generated from our primal music and our collective, harmonious presence was magical and not to be forgotten any time soon! I hold the healing vibration and memory of this evening near and dear to my heart.

Drum Circle Venue

Drum Circle at New Earth Farm – Photo by Tom Armstrong


When we weren’t gathering for potlucks, meditation or drumming, we were out and about in Seattle, eating. Three great vegan restaurants I would recommend in Seattle are Café Flora, Chaco Canyon, and Jodee’s. Here are some of the dishes from each restaurant…

Café Flora

Café Flora

This was one of the best things I ate the entire time I was in Seattle. This is Café Flora’s Beet Gnocchi in Pesto with an Herbed Nut Cream, (pictured above) which I shared with Giacinta and my sister, Angel. This was ridiculously delicious and I couldn’t recommend it more!

Chaco Canyon

Chaco Canyon

Above is a photo of some of the offerings at Chaco Canyon in Seattle. We noshed on raw vegan enchiladas, salads and green juice. Delish!



And lastly, the above photo is of Jodee’s raw vegan pizza. Jodee’s, in Green Lake, specializes in raw vegan deserts and smoothies but once in a while she offers up Friday night pizza. This is a yummy slice of her Mexican Pizza.

The abundance of good, healthy, vibrant food gave us energy to run around and play in the forests. Carkeek Park in Seattle is one of my favorite little spots to visit. When I lived in Seattle, I would visit this park often to commune with the nature spirits, walk among the greenlings, hug trees and meditate. When I was here with Giacinta, we came and did much of the same…

Shana Lying Over a Creekbed on a Fallen Tree, Communing with the Leaves

Shana lying across a creek bed on a fallen tree, communing with the leaves

Shana giggling with the forest

Shana giggling with the forest

Giacinta in a creekbed at Carkeek Park

Giacinta in the creek bed, dotted in light


For me, no trip to Seattle is complete without gathering friends for a raw vegan ice cream party and who better to host this type of a gathering than my friend Jeff Rogers, AKA the Naughty Vegan. You can read more about Jeff HERE. Jeff is an amazing ice cream artisan. If you love ice cream, I highly recommend his recipe book, Vice Cream, found HERE. Jeff whipped up a Coconut Peach Ice Cream, Giacinta and I brought frozen bananas and durian, and everyone else brought a variety of frozen summer fruits. Another friend, who, like myself, graduated as a raw chef from Living Light, brought raw vegan caramel and chocolate sauces to drizzle over all the ice cream.

Jeff passed all the frozen fruit through his Champion Juicer to create a soft-serve style ice cream. (The Champion Juicer is an excellent machine to use to turn frozen fruit into ice cream.) This is the delightful mess we made in his kitchen and the yumminess that ensued…

Raw Vegan Ice Cream Party

The makings of a raw vegan ice cream party

A swirling bowl of ice cream

A swirling bowl of fruity ice cream


My last day in the Pacific Northwest was spent in Bellingham, one of my favorite places in Washington. I have lived in Bellingham and have spent much time in this area. This magical, quaint town and the surrounding woodlands have crept into my veins and won’t let me go. I love it here. Giacinta and I went to one of my favorite spots, to Larrabee State Park. It was here we soaked up the grounding energy of the boulders, the vitalizing energy of the ocean and the mystical energy of the rich forest.

Shana in Larrabee State Park

Shana in Larrabee State Park

Shana sprouting out of a tree stump in bliss :)

Shana sprouting out of a tree stump in bliss 🙂

Magical Trails...

A magical trail…

I’ll close this travel journal entry with one of my favorite photos, taken by Giacinta. Here I am in my favorite place, in the forest, becoming One with everything around me. There is no place I would rather be, truly!

Shana in the emerald forest

Shana in the emerald forest

My time in Western Washington this summer was abundantly full of my favorite things. I am brimming with gratitude for everything I experienced and for everyone who shared my journey. I am deeply grateful for Giacinta who walked with me along the way. Until the next time, dear enchanted Washington, I hold you in my emerald heart. Thank you. I love you.

Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation

Here in the States, it’s Labor Day weekend, the last weekend punctuating the end of summer vacations, and everyone is bustling about. However, if you are anything like me, you are snuggled in, relaxing at home or in your favorite private nature spots, bypassing the scurry on the roads and trails altogether. I like to avoid chaotic crowds and traffic when possible. Because of this, you’ll most likely find me on the coast, in the city (in San Francisco or Berkeley) or on forested trails during the week when everyone else is busy at work. I like to extend my intuitive healings, readings and animal Reiki during the weekends and evenings not only because it is more convenient for my clients but it also allows me to go inward and dabble in the spiritual realms when the outside world is buzzing around.

This long 3 day weekend is no exception. For me, this is a perfect time to relax, rejuvenate, meditate, read, create and manifest with Reiki, love-centered energy and visualization. The new moon is filling and waxing, which is a perfect time to think about everything good, healthy and high-vibe we want to invite into our lives.

I usually post short meditations and videos, but since we have a few days off for the holiday, I am sharing this 1 hour long Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Chakra Healing which will help you move into that sacred space within your very core and your love center.

There is no need to listen to the entire video unless you feel drawn to do so. Even just a few minutes of listening will raise your frequency. You can meditate to these soothing natural sounds and musical vibrations or simply play them in the background as you amble about your home or garden. The intention here is to quiet the mind, move into your heart space, resonate with your true essence and embrace deep peace.

Namaste and Many Blessings!

 Shana xo

Pranava – Deep Chant & Yantra Meditation

sedona stupa

Today is Monday, the beginning of a new week. Tomorrow, we welcome in the new month of July, the zenith of summer. We are also in the midst of new moon energy as we bask under the thinly slivered moon that will grow bright and full with each passing day. I like to think of the new moon as a celestial pregnancy, like a developing belly, filling with the light of our wishes and dreams until it becomes full and brimming with new possibility. All this to say, it is a wonderful time to start anew, refresh, recalibrate, refocus and create our heart’s desires!

One of my favorite ways of beginning anything new is with a centering meditation, especially since we are in the midst of Monday’s bustling energy. It is important to lay the foundation of our inspiring efforts from a place of natural order and balance, with a crystal clear sense of our innate spiritual Selves. It can be challenging to take time out to create what we want in life, to think about positive out-of-the-box ideas, to refresh and stir up creative juices if we are knocked off kilter in busyness or worry, muddled in too much work, if we are not in a mentally, physically or spiritually balanced state.

BALANCE is one of my favorite words. Everything in BALANCE, my dears, everything in perfect BALANCE.

Like the old Zen adage goes: “You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.”

The following YouTube yantra meditation is one I enjoy doing often. The vibration of the musical tones and chants coupled with the cosmic, kaleidoscope-like images is enough to place anyone in a meditative state. Yantra (यन्त्र) is the Sanskrit word for instrument as in geometric symbols, patterns and processes.

This is a good 20 minute meditation. I recommended taking a time out from whatever it is you are doing and listen, allowing your body to sink into the sounds, to relax, quiet, calm and harmonize with the frequency of this deep meditation. If this video resonates with your soul as it does mine, watch it often. Listen to it daily if you wish; start your day with it, set intentions with it, re-attune yourself with it.

Turn up the volume and return to your center, to who you really are, to your higher Self and consciousness. Start now.


Free Reiki on the Full Moon of the Buddha & Wesak

I am spiritually called to offer another one of my Free Distance Reiki Pools for anyone who would like extra healing for themselves, a loved-one (human or animal) or for any life situation that could benefit from a positive dose of light, love and prayer. Feel free to think globally in your requests! (As you read below, you’ll see why.) If you would like to add yourself, someone else or an event that needs healing to my Reiki Pool, please leave a note below in the comment section or contact me privately by clicking HERE. I will be in meditation throughout the next five days, during the festival of Wesak, sending healing globally. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to receive Free Distance Reiki energy and prayer this week. I look forward to hearing from you!

*   *   *

Wesak (pronounced WE-sock) is an observed holy holiday in Southeast Asia and one of the most important festivals in the Buddhist calendar. This year in the United States, Wesak is this Wednesday on May 14th. This is a celebration of the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death. It is honored around the world by Buddhists during the full moon of May. It’s an honoring that begins two days before the full moon and ends two days after the full moon. An article (I highly recommend you read) by Alice A. Bailey explains Wesak in much more detail and how it astrologically and spiritually relates to us now during the 2014 May full moon in Scorpio with the sun in Taurus. You can find the article by clicking HERE. (A special thanks to my dear friend, Giacinta, who originally shared this article with me.)

Wesak (also spelled Vesak) is a five day period of practicing non-self importance, generosity of spirit, being of service to others, widening perspective and working for the greater good of humanity. It is about globalized spiritual consciousness. It’s a time to hold ourselves, others and the entire world in divine light and unconditional love to raise the individual and collective vibration on Earth.

The following video further explains Wesak. Please know that this video was created last year, in 2013, so the dates of Wesak as posted on the video do not apply to 2014. Wesak is always honored during May’s full moon, so every year the dates of this festival changes. This year, in 2014, Wesak occurs on May 14th, which is this Wednesday!

As stated in the above video and timed at 6:22 of the video, is the following:

What can we do to play our part in the Wesak festival?

For two days prior to the Wesak full moon, the day of the full moon and for the two subsequent days, endeavor to do the following things:

  • Link up with all people of spiritual intention and good will throughout the world.
  • Using the creative imagination, eliminate out of your consciousness all negativity. See yourself clear and on the side of the forces of light.
  • Preserve a spirit of love for all individuals.
  • When meditating and invoking the forces of light, endeavor to forget entirely your own personal difficulties, tragedies and problems.
  • Endeavor at sunrise, at noon, at five o’clock and at sunset plus the exact time of the full moon in your own land to say The Great Invocation (below) with the intent to invoke, precipitate and anchor an art of manifestation the waiting potencies. Do this aloud when possible and in group formation whenever feasible.

The Great Invocation:

“From the point of light from within the light of God, let light stream forth into human minds. Let light descend on Earth. From the point of love within the heart of God, let love stream forth into human hearts. May the coming One return to Earth. From the center where the will of God is known, let purpose guide all human wills- the purpose which the masters know and serve. From the center which we call the human race, let the plan of love and light work out and may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let light and love and power restore the plan on Earth.”  

*   *   *

If you are interested in honoring Wesak, you can follow the suggestions above in how to play your part. This is helpful for those who thrive with structure and a clear purpose. The Great Invocation is, indeed, a beautiful prayer for the world. For some of you, however, simply spending this week by being more conscious, meditative and altruistic, may feel like a more free-flowing way to celebrate this sacred week.

Some ideas for the week ahead (and please, do whatever resonates and feels good to you):

  • Meditate daily
  • Start a fast (or juice feast)
  • If you’re a healer, send global healing
  • If you pray, pray for others
  • Do something for the greater good of humanity, small or large
  • Be of service
  • Practice unconditional compassion for all Beings everywhere
  • Be mindful
  • Reconnect with your spirituality
  • Do anything that you feel raises your vibration
  • Or simply contact me for Free Distance Reiki 🙂

With pure radiant light and love, have a very blessed and sacred week ahead as we honor Wesak, the Buddha, all spiritual masters, the full moon, Mother Earth and each other.

Peace and Reiki Blessings, Shana        

Spring is in the Earth: Celebration & Meditation

What a powerful and enchanting week we are in the mists of! The celestial energies started and ramped everything up with the super new moon aligning in Aquarius a few days ago on Thursday, January 30th. Yesterday was the start of the New Chinese Year, welcoming in the year of the Green Wood Horse, honoring the element of wood and its child element, fire, to kindle new possibilities and success. Sunday, February 2nd, we honor the Pagan Celtic festival of Imbolc, the mid-point between winter and spring as marked on the Wheel of the Year. Imbolc is often celebrated tonight on the eve of this festival as well as tomorrow on the day of.

There is so much magic and new vitality swirling around us from above and below. As the ancient Hermetic texts state, “As above, so below.” -above with the supportive lunar cycle and the Chinese astrological shift and below as each seedling stirs in the womb of our Mother Earth during Imbolc.

A quick note: Mercury goes into retrograde for three weeks beginning February 6th. It will remain in retrograde until the 28th. For those of you who are effected by the squirrely, meddling, techno-challenging energies of mercury, you’ll want to mark these dates and be gentle with yourself and with others during this time. This is a perfect time to send out extra positive energy to encourage harmonious fluidity, healthy agreements, and compassionate grace in all dealings.

So, what does the new waxing moon, the Chinese New Year and Imbolc all have in common? They each represent newness, cleansing, staring fresh and bringing in light and life in all its glorious and goddess blessed fullness.

This is a very auspicious time to cleanse, renew and redirect efforts, intentions and your health. It is a time to clear our spaces, spirits, psyches and bodies. If you’ve been meaning to organize a closet, file away a pile of paperwork, redecorate the living room or do anything to spatially shift an area of your home or work environment, go for it. Think of this as the pre-spring cleaning and a magical way to stir up the energies of the coming spring and to call in new fresh life.

This is also a wonderful time to do a little (or a big) dietary cleanse. Juicing is an excellent way to clean our bodies and revitalize our minds. I am a huge lover of juicing fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. I find a 3 day juice feast is the most delicious and invigorating way to recalibrate the physical system, encouraging healthier food choices and promoting self-love. The following juice recipe is one of my favorites for the wintry months (or any time!). It is bright in color and flavor, reminding me of pure sunshine and of the sweetness of summer days. This truly is sunshine in a glass and will surely put a blissful spring in your step, hop or skip.

In honor of Imbolc, let’s call in the sun to warm these last 6 weeks of winter in our hearts and in our spirits. This juice should do the magical trick…

Carrot, Pineapple, Ginger Juice

Carrot, Pineapple, Ginger Juice

Sunshine in a Glass:



Fresh ginger

Juice all the ingredients together in your favorite juicer and drink immediately or at least within the same day it was made. Enjoy!

I have intentionally not included measurements, because I want you to create this juice to your taste. For myself, I like A LOT of juice, so I will juice an entire 5lb bag of organic carrots along with a whole pineapple, skin and top removed. I also like to add about ½ to 1 inch nob of fresh ginger for a little extra zing. This gives me a quart or two of sunshiny juice that I can drink throughout the day.

Imbolc and Goddess Brigid

The word Imbolc comes from the old Irish word, imbolg, meaning “in the belly.” Wildlife and Mother Earth are all pregnant with new life. The energy here is of new beginnings and to invite the light in and to sprout new possibilities and to create new openings. This is a festival, marking the cyclical Goddess transformation from Crone (winter) to Maiden (spring). It is also a time to honor Goddess Brigid.

Irish blood runs through my heart. I am a lover of mythology and folklore, so naturally, I am enchanted by ancient customs and ideology especially that of the Celts. In Irish mythology, Brigid is an Irish Goddess of healing, magic and crafts, a patroness of poets and the sister of the fae (faeries). She embodies the season of birthing energies. (I wish I knew who the artist was who created the above image. I would love to give credit, and I would love to give thanks for bringing beauty and art into our lives!)

Whether you are interested in ancient Celtic traditions or not, the pregnant energy of Mother Earth swirls around us. Honoring the festering energy of this season was the way of our ancestors, and it’s an undercurrent of our shared collective human consciousness. A wonderful way to harness the essence of this time of year and that of Imbolc is to create anything, write poetry or stories, paint, sculpt, make music, or do things like redecorate to invite in spring and vibrant color. Bring in a bouquet (or better yet a living potted plant) of daffodils or tulips or any spring flowers you love. Decorate your space with colored candles or burn a floral essential oil to awaken your senses to that of the coming spring. Creating, crafting and beautifying anything your heart desires, supports you in living a more spiritual life. It awakens your connection to your Higher Self and to that of the Divine, God, Goddess.


Imbolc is also referred to as Candlemas, a Christian holiday of old. Many Christians see the flowers of spring as a symbol of Christ and of new hope. Candles are lit during Candlemas to symbolize Christ Consciousness as the light of the world. With both Candlemas and Imbolc, this is a celebration of fire to light up our lives with love and sunshine. A wonderful way to honor this time is with a small candle ceremony and meditation.

Candle Meditation

Light a candle (or several) and meditate on what you would like to grow and nurture in your life. What seeds are you planting? What dreams and goals would you like to see bloom with the energy of the vibrant, youthful, lush, sunny spring season? Sit quietly and meditate on all of this. Breathe deeply and feel your heart open. Slowly fill your heart space with pure divine love and the energy of everything you wish for and everything you aspire to become. Infuse this energy with universal love and unconditional compassion for the entire world and everything and everyone in it. You can do this with your eyes closed in deep meditation or while gazing upon the lit candle(s). If you choose to watch the flame dance on the candle’s wick, visualize your love and your dreams as the fire that lights your inner flame and, therefore, lights the world around you. Breathe and give thanks for this sacred moment. Chant aloud, “Thank you. I love you.”

A magical note: As I type this, a giant black raven (about the size of my 14lb cat, Mitts) just landed on our porch only a few feet away from me. This is a significant event, for this has only happened once before. It seems Raven, my Spiritual Totem, is in great support of what I am writing and of the deeply sacred and loving energy I embrace as I share with you. I received Raven’s message with open eyes, joy and excitement. The message is not only for me but for us all: Share your magic, your light and your pure heart with the world! It always seems the more magic I invite into my life, the more supported I am by the natural world around me. The same is true for YOU, of course. By noticing the seasons, honoring our ancestors and elders, by caring for Mother Earth, becoming more natural and spiritual, the more magical your life will become. Try it, you’ll see.  : )

Raven Messenger

Raven Messenger


Sprout Ritual

If you are into health foods, as I am, this is a great and meaningful time to grow some indoor sprouts like that of alfalfa. Not only are these little greenlings packed with nutrition, they are also full of symbolism. Imagine as they grow and green, so do your dreams, positive intentions and wishes. And, as you sprinkle them on your soups and salads, you are physically taking in the spirit of new growth and bountiful possibilities.

Sprouts are easy to grow in jars any time of the year. Just soak a few tablespoons in a jar of water for 6-8 hours. Drain and let sit to gestate. Rinse a few times a day to keep moist and fresh. In just a few days they will grow tails and sprouts. I like to keep them covered with a cloth during this process, so they can do their magic in the dark as they would naturally in the earth’s belly. Once they have matured, place them in the light- a windowsill is a great place for this- and allow the sprouts to soak up all the chlorophyll and to green. Once fully developed, store them in the fridge.

Organic Alfalfa Seeds

Organic Alfalfa Seeds

Above are the alfalfa seeds that I set out yesterday to soak. I soaked them over night and drained them this morning. After just a half a day’s time, this is what they look like now…

Sprouting Alfalfa Seeds

Sprouting Alfalfa Seeds

These seeds already have tails and are in full sprout mode. It won’t be long before they will grow bigger and green, and I can add them to my favorite recipes. This is the magical essence of the coming spring!


I just snapped the photo below a few moments ago. This is our sky today- a vibrant blue gift after a cleansing and much needed rain yesterday, an auspicious sign for the Chinese New Year. If you look into this photo, you will notice today’s clouds have formed into what looks like a rabbit- another magical sign of the energies that are afoot. Seems we are being carried right into the energy of spring, which is very much symbolized by the rabbit.

Blue skies with Rabbit Magic

Blue skies with Rabbit Magic

For us here in the high desert, the Pussy Willows around the lakes are blossoming and awakening from their winter slumber. Our beloved pear tree in the front of our home is filled with flower buds just waiting to open. The birds are fluttering, and the sun is sparkling with new promise of warmer days to come.

I am juicing; I have my sprouts growing, and I’ll be freshening up my sacred spaces around the home with flowers, essential oils and new color. Tonight, I’ll light a candle and meditate, drawing in the energies of new life and renewal along with that of the waxing new moon. I will light a candle for YOU, for Mother Earth and for the entire animal and plant kingdom in love, peace and for beautiful new creations.

Tomorrow, I am grateful to be offering in-person Reiki and readings at the Mountain Spirit Co-Op in downtown Prescott. I have the opportunity to fill an already magical day with energy healings and spiritual guidance for anyone who wishes to partake. I’ll keep an eye out for the ravens, the rabbits, for Goddess Brigid and for that little groundhog that will pop its head out tomorrow to hopefully find a shadow cast by the sun.

Blessings to all in light, love, abundance and new fresh beginnings! ♥

Communing with Water

Flowing water over Galena Creek, Reno, Nevada

I love water.  Water is movement, action, vibrancy and life.  I love water in all forms.  I enjoy watching water run over slick rocks in creeks, carrying with it many life forms, providing a self-sustaining ecosystem.  I enjoy sitting in the damp sand, watching the ferocity and energy of ocean waves as they slap shorelines, intimidating me, exciting me.  The power dwarfs me, humbling me.   I also relish in simple pleasures like long showers.  I cherish my time under the hot flowing water as it cleanses and awakens me.

Water is musical.  Some of my favorite sounds are of rumbling creeks and of trickling water fountains.  I can think of countless times I have snuggled up in my home, listening to the symphony of raindrops as they pound on my rooftop like a team of thundering pianos.

When the skies open, I cannot contain myself.  I want to be in the rain, in the flurry and liveliness of nature as it washes the earth.  My fondest childhood memories are of my long walks in the rain with my father in the wooded Oakland hills.  The dark, wet daylight would amplify the green trees and vegetation.  Life stood still, and all that could be heard was the pitter-patter of wet drops on exposed leaves.  The sounds of water can be calming as well as dramatic.

I have always loved being in water.  Swimming is a source of pleasure for me.  As a child, I would turn into a wrinkled prune before I ever considered leaving the pool.  As an adult, I swim to relax and energize.  I love the way it makes me feel physically, emotional and spiritually.  Exercise improves the body and mind, but swimming, for me, takes the experience an extra step.  I can meditate in and around water.  When I swim laps, I get into a grove, a meditation so to speak.  I can truly turn off my mind, allowing my body to flow.  It is rhythmic.

This rhythm and the clear presence I have when I commune with water is the common theme behind my love for water.  Water is power, it flows, and I feel my body and my spirit flows with it.  I can float into a restful yet powerful place when I am by a creek, an ocean, or even as I stand with my arms open to a storming sky.  I simply love the way water sounds, feels and gives life.

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”

Quote by Loran Eiseley, The Immense Journey, 1957

Raw Chef Panel Q3: Emotional Eating

Q. Do you emotionally eat? If so, what do you eat? How do you overcome emotional eating?

A. I have been an emotional eater my entire life. This is partly the cause for my swinging introduction into the raw food diet. Like I mentioned before, I am an all-or-nothing girl. This is a mental state; I am aware of this. Few eat out of sheer hunger. Most eat for social or emotional reasons. I am no different. I have found, though, that the more I am able to quiet my mind, the more stable my diet becomes.

Over the years, I have self-medicated and soothed myself with foods. It is what I turn to when feeling stressed, sad, overwhelmed or fearful. Heavy foods, particularly, dampen my anxieties by forcing me to feel the physical discomfort of a full belly rather than my mental or spiritual upheaval. As a raw foodie, I tend to go for the heavy nut or seed laden foods when feeling negative emotions. I rarely dehydrate foods at home, for I prefer to eat juicy, high vibrancy foods. So, when I am having a challenging day, I will seek out a store-bought raw granola. My favorite is Hemp & Greens by Living Intentions. This gives me exactly what I am looking for- a sweet treat, that heavy feeling I crave and a quick fix. If I need to eat emotionally, I am certainly not in the mood to create something in my kitchen. This is why the premade raw granolas are so perfect. Because it is raw, I can eat this without any guilt, which is also a huge bonus. Though, powering through an entire bag of granola is not the best thing for my body, it certainly is not the worst either. When I do this, my body usually balances itself the next day by craving more water dense fruits and vegetables. I find, in this way, I can manage my weight by staying raw if going through tough challenges. I would also like to add that the more raw foods I eat the less negativity I feel in general. I have far fewer emotionally turbulent days as a raw foodie.

In addition to my raw food diet, a daily meditation practice is one of the best ways for me to maintain an emotional equilibrium. My ever expanding spirituality keeps me in a state of gratitude and abundance. The more I honestly love myself and recognize myself as source energy, the more grounded I feel, the more joy I have and the lighter life appears. Because of this, I rarely feel so emotionally charged that I need to grab that bag of granola. Often one can find me nibbling on Hemp & Greens granola not because I need it, but because I simply like it. There is a difference here between the two mind-sets.

For me, meditation is a necessity. It is something I need to do every day like an exercise routine. It aligns me and centers me. As I mentioned above, emotional distress is a mental state. It is self-created. By meditating, I am able to train my mind. I can quiet it when needed. I can look at it and see that it is little more than a part of my ego. It is separate from what I truly am on a soul level. Realizing this through my spiritual practice keeps the strife of daily life in perspective. There is so much more going on than my insignificant earthly, society based stressors. I am so much more than I have been raised to believe. When I meditate, I know this, for I can feel what I truly am. I see that I am light; I am divinely perfect. This soothes me on a level that dissipates any angst I may have with my physical life.

I remain balanced and manage emotional eating by synergizing my clean diet with meditation. Doing this, I feel liberated, inspired, empowered, lighthearted and grounded.