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Angel Channeling


                                                                                                               Photo taken during an angelic walking meditation

In late 2013, I began channeling an angel for the first time. I have always been a natural medium, but channeling spiritual Beings outside myself was something I had not worked specifically to develop. As a Reiki Master Teacher and healer, I open myself and become a channel for healing energy. In Reiki, this energy is called Universal Life Force Energy. I become highly sensitive and intuitive while in a Reiki session, flowing Reiki through me to my client while receiving messages and visions as I work. Over the years, this ability has strengthened and evolved with every Reiki session I give.

A few years ago, I experienced a great change. I moved from Seattle, WA, to the high desert of Northern Arizona. You can read more about this HERE. There aren’t two places more diametrically opposed in landscape and climate than the lush, drizzly Pacific Northwest and the dry, sun-soaked desert. It was this move that created a spiritual shift within me, sparking an interested in channeling.

It was late spring of 2012 in Prescott, AZ. The sky was an endless sheet of crystal blue forevermore. The sun felt like an unctuous nectar that poured over me, filling every nook and cranny of my soul. The land released the intoxicating scent of sunbaked sage, dry earth and ponderosa pine needles. Inspired by all this, the energies of the Native American spirit that saturated the vast landscape, and the warm, healing rays of Father Sun, I found myself called to channel or to at least learn more about channeling. It was as if this new, bright world awakened deeper parts of my essence, beckoning me to explore and expand the depths of my spiritual abilities. After all, I had chosen to move to Arizona based solely on a spiritual calling. The intention had been set.

Fast forward to the winter of 2013. I had been working at the Mountain Spirit Co-Op in Prescott, providing in-person Reiki sessions and spiritual readings. My practice was growing, and I was expanding as a healer. One day, I stumbled upon an old book titled Opening to Channel. I know I just happened to find this book, but it felt more like this book found me. I took it home, read every word and immediately began to channel. It was as if something within me was unlocked. An initiation had taken place, staged by my Reiki practice and supported by divine forces far greater than myself. When I first closed my eyes to see if I could channel a high-level guide, what came through shocked and delighted me to my core. What came through was an angel, a female angel.

This angel embodies the most beautiful energy I have ever felt. She is pure divine, Godlike energy who emanates purple and gold tones and rainbow light. She is pure unconditional compassion. There aren’t words to define this angel or the way her essence feels. She is beyond description, beyond concept, religion or imagination. I can only say she is PURE celestial LOVE. She is one of my guides and has been for a long time. She has much to tell me and show me.

I channel her verbally and also through automatic writing, which has become one of my favorite ways to connect with her. The reason for this is that I am not consciously connected to the information that comes through. If I do not write it all down as it comes (or record it verbally), it is soon forgotten. Often when I am done with a channeling session, I will look back over my writing and am surprised by what I wrote.

She has been very instrumental not only in my life but in my Reiki healings. I work closely with her during sessions. She offers guidance, helps me to better call in my client’s own guides so deeper healing and shifts can take place, and she downloads sacred geometric symbols through me during my Reiki work. This is one of the reasons why the Reiki healing I do now is far more than just Reiki. I am working with high-level energy and geometric energy patterns, colors and crystal frequencies that provide more expansive and spiritually holistic results.

I will share more about this angel in future blog posts. She has a name. She is connected to some very specific activities. I feel energetically intertwined with her on many levels, and she has touched my life in amazing and unexpected ways.

For the first month after I began channeling her, I experienced an angelic attuning. It was as if she was inside me, restructuring my physical and spiritual mind so I may better open myself to her. I would awake in the middle of the night with pangs of flashing golden lights pop and zip through my brain. This lightshow was often accompanied by whizzings and pings of loud sounds. It felt like my brain was literally being re-wired to handle the higher frequency of the angel realm.

Another “symptom” of my angelic attunement was that I would awake hearing choir music in my ears and in my brain. It sounded like a tremendous choir of a hundred angels singing. I was very moved by this and by the magnitude and beauty of these collective, harmonious, angelic voices.

I knew when I started channeling the angel that my life would forever change. There were too many things occurring around and within me as a result of my direct communication with her. The same thing happened to me the first time I received a Reiki attunement. Everything in my life shifted right into place. Reiki is powerful this way. Things that were no longer serving my higher good were pushed right out and paths that were more aligned with my greater purpose became clear and available. I had an underline feeling this would happen again with the angel’s direct presence in my life. At the time, I didn’t know exactly what that would look like or how it would unfold. But, unfold it did. Much has indeed changed since then. In fact. everything has shifted. I am still shifting.

I will be sharing more of my journey, my life changes and my quantum leaps forward with my healing work in future posts.

With great love and angelic blessings,


Celestial Energy Supporting New Life Shifts

Welcome to Friday, 2/28/14, the end of February and the day of the new moon! Today, we teeter on the threshold of March and all the spring magic and new life this coming time has to offer. We are in the midst of wonderful energies for creating life shifts and positive changes, supported by celestial alignments and guided by the angel realms.

This morning, in the wee hours, I awoke to look at the time. It read 5:55am.

Doreen Virtue writes about the meaning of the angelic number sequence 555:

“555 – Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being “positive” or “negative,” since all change is but a natural part of life’s flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.”

I am not the only one feeling this energy shift and sensing change. Many of my clients are on the brink of inviting in some exciting new things into their lives or are on the edge of leaving behind the things that are no longer working for them. Whatever the shift is, change is definitely in the air.

This is true even if the shift is subtle. Perhaps this is a time to reach more deeply within your own soul so you may live a life more fully from the heart, or maybe this is a time to discover more depth and meaning within your endeavors and life’s purpose. Sometimes, it is the gentle and refined shifts that can be the most powerful and empowering.

Celestial Support

Mercury has completed its retrograde and redirects today. Pam Younghans from the NorthPoint Astrology Journal, writes:

“The week that Mercury finishes its retrograde phase is actually the preparation stage for moving forward. If we have used the past three weeks wisely, we have been reviewing our projected path and rethinking our plans.

Now that Mercury is ready to go forward, we want to be sure that we are not attached to previous ways of thinking or perceiving our reality. We want to have allowed Mercury retrograde to do its job of altering our perceptions, even if only slightly. It sometimes takes just a small change in current trajectory to manifest the unfolding of a major shift in course.”

New Moon

Another significant and supportive energy is that of the new moon, which is today! Pam Younghans shares the following:

We also have a New Moon on Friday — a somewhat paradoxical lunation because it is in Pisces. New Moons represent opportunities for new beginnings, but Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and represents a time of completion, turning inward, and surrender.

We are called, every year when the New Moon occurs in Pisces, to re-energize our inner journey, in whatever form that may take for us personally. It may be that we call that journey spiritual, or view it as a creative unfolding, or perceive it as a deepening understanding of the workings of our subconscious.”

♥   ♥   ♥

In support of everyone today and of the energies that surround us, I sat in meditation this morning. I sent Reiki energy to the world, to the celestial energies and to anyone and any life situation that is in most need of energetic healing support and guidance. I then pulled two cards from my Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virture.

We are each being divinely and angelically guided to take leaps of faith and to walk our true soul’s path. Have courage to be everything you dream of, to embrace all the blessings that are coming into your life and to shed the things that no longer support your highest good, well-being and positive forward movement.

It’s a time to spread your wings and fly. The timing is perfect for you to soar!

I’ll leave you with two wonderful and inspiring quotes:

“To change one’s life, start immediately, do it flamboyantly, no exceptions.” ~William James

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain

And finally, as my dear friend and sister-in-love, Kathy Chism, recently said to me, “Let’s not think of this as the calm before the storm, but rather the calm before the shift. Better yet, the calm before the calm shift.” 🙂

♥ Please know, if you need energetic, healing, guiding and intuitive support during this time, you are welcome to CONTACT ME  for a Reiki session and reading. I am always here for you with compassion, love and healing light.

May your shifts and changes flow smoothly with grace and ease. Many blessings! ♥

Valentine & Healing Heart Reiki ♥


February is a month of love. This doesn’t necessarily mean only romantic love, though this is what consumerism would like us all to buy into. Personally, I like to embrace this time as a month to nurture the heart, to HEAL the HEART, to become more unconditionally compassionate, and to follow the heart.

Amplifying the heart-centered energies of the coming holiday, Valentine’s Day just happens to auspiciously coincide with February’s full moon! (2014 has been filled with blessed cosmic alignments thus far!) To honor the essence of the heart and to harness the empowering celestial energy of the full moon, I am offering a Healing Heart Reiki and Reading Special. Read below to learn more…

But first, what is Valentine’s Day really all about? Do you know the historical roots of this love-centered day?

Saint Valentine ♥

February 14th is a Christian holiday, celebrating Saint Valentine of Rome. Saint Valentine was a healer, a minister and a compassionate soul. Legend has it that he was imprisoned for ministering to Christians who had been prosecuted under the Roman Empire. He also performed weddings for couples who were forbidden to wed. His love, guidance and care for the disenfranchised and faulted members of society is the foundation of this love-filled holiday.

But, there is another layer here. According to legend, while Saint Valentine was imprisoned, he healed the daughter of his own captor and jailer. It is also said, that before his execution, he wrote a farewell letter to her, signing it, “Your Valentine.”

Whether this legend is fact or fiction, does this act not exemplify the very essence of unconditional compassion to heal the relative of your own enemy? If we learn any lessons from the story of Saint Valentine, honoring Valentine’s Day should be about celebrating and exercising our own compassion and love for all.

This legend also tells of Saint Valentine as a healer. This little tidbit of information is significant. I have always felt that Valentine’s Day should be about healing the heart and living from the heart. This is what Saint Valentine embraced in life and this is his legacy.

Pagan Roots to Valentine’s Day ♥

In ancient times, February 14th was a day of love lotteries in pagan Rome. Young girls would write their names on little pieces of paper and place them into jars to be picked anonymously by boys and partnered for the festival. This holiday was a time to honor the Goddess of fertility, childbirth and marriage.

As Christianity entered the landscape of our religious history, Christian holidays were placed near pagan festivals to encourage the pagans to convert more willingly to Christianity. Valentine’s Day is no different. February 14th was assigned as the day to honor the Christian Saint Valentine.

Chaucer and Romantic Courtship ♥

Valentine’s Day was re-introduced as a day of courtship and romantic love by Geoffrey Chaucer during the high middle ages.

Chaucer, known as the father of English literature, lived from circa 1343 to 1400. He was considered the greatest English poet of his time. One of his most popular written works known today is The Canterbury Tales

Though best known as an author, he was also a philosopher, an alchemist and an astronomer. He associated Valentine’s Day as a day of romance during a time when courtly love was flourishing in England’s high society. From this point on, and in post-modern times, this day has been associated with hearts, gifts, flowers, chocolates, poetry and romantic courtship.

I am a descendant of Chaucer on my father’s side and have a long recorded family tree that takes me back to the middle ages. It is no wonder I am a poet at heart, a writer and a lover of deep philosophy, alchemy and astronomy.  These interests run in my blood.

To honor my own ancestral roots to Valentine’s Day and to honor the compassionate healing efforts of Saint Valentine himself, I am offering a Healing Heart Reiki & Reading Special.

This February 14th is also a significant and powerful time astrologically, because it happens to land right on (or more accurately, under) the full moon! I suspect Chaucer would be delighted with this celestial alignment on this day of love. This is the stuff poetry is made of.

♥ ♥ ♥ Full Moon, Healing Heart Reiki & Readings ♥ ♥ ♥

From NOW until the full moon, at midnight of February 14th, I am offering a Healing Heart Reiki & Reading Special for only $75. This combo session is performed by distance and enjoyed in the comfort of your own home. Click HERE  to learn more about my distance healings. I will give you an hour of heart-centered Reiki healing, which will be followed by a reading that I will send to you via email at the conclusion of the session.

The reading entails the information I pick up on your behalf during the healing. I become an open channel during each of my Reiki healings and receive messages from totem animals, angels, crystals, spirit guides and more. I will detail what I “see,” what I healed, balanced and harmonized for you, what blocks I identified and cleared, and I will give you any messages I receive for your furthered healing and spiritual forward movement.

I am acutely aware that there is a great need for heart healing. I notice this with the clients I work with on a day-to-day basis. Energetically, I feel there is a need for heart healing around the world. Just because romance is the theme of February, I like to extend healing to those who are in need of divine love, who would like to learn how to embrace Self-love, and who would like to heal old (or new) wounds. This month should be about the healing powers of the heart and of love in all its forms. And, I am honoring it as such.

My Healing Heart Reiki is good for you if you are in need of any or all of the following areas:

♥ To help you fully and completely love your Self

♥ Heal a wounded heart

♥ Allow you to open your heart to love

♥ Learn to trust love and trust your Self

♥ Help you heal from the loss of a loved-one

♥ Grief recovery

♥ Give you courage to compassionately leave an unhealthy relationship

♥ Learn how to be more unconditionally loving and patient to others

♥ Encourage you to do loving, nurturing things for your Self and others

♥ To support a harmonious romantic partnership

♥ Guide you to communicate and speak from the heart

♥ Help you to live a life from the heart

♥ Move you into your heart space

♥ To extend unconditional compassion to all sentient Beings

♥ Teach you to follow your heart with courage and grace

♥ Connect your 3rd eye (intuition) to your heart chakra

♥ Clear energy blocks and open your heart chakra

♥ Heal the physical heart and cardiovascular system

♥ Harmonize your throat chakra (the self-expression center) with your heart chakra for compassionate communication

♥ Help you forgive yourself and others

♥ Heal the past

♥ Recover and move on from a relationship that has ended

♥ Promote love-centered forward movement

♥ Awaken romance and sensuality

♥ Allow you to connect with your divine feminine aspects

♥ Inspire poetry and artistry

♥ Call in a new romantic relationship into your life

♥ Heal misunderstandings, resentments, guilt, misgivings and negative energy

♥ Learn to embrace love fully and to extend it to the world

♥ To live from a place of unconditional compassion and unconditional love for all including your Self

To sign up for my Healing Heart Reiki & Reading Special, contact me HERE.

You can get one or as many of these sessions as you wish for your Self or for a loved one, a friend or a partner. This is a beautiful gift of love and healing. You can buy now and use any time in 2014, however, the last chance to buy this special is February 14th at midnight. Please don’t hesitate in contacting me if this Healing Heart offer resonates with you or would be helpful for someone you love.

With unconditional love and pink healing light ♥ Shana

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“When I stand before thee at the day’s end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing.” ~Rabindranath Tagore

 ♥  ♥  ♥

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” ~Morrie Schwartz


My Wheel of Fortune

A lemon-drop summer sunset over the San Francisco Bay

The Tarot snuck its way into my life several decades ago. It teased my fascination, luring me from mainstream thought, until it enveloped me in a greater respect for the unseen. How could simple cards make any plausible predictions? Shouldn’t this type of divination be left for the gypsies and fortunetellers whose slight-of-hand professes great tales? I had my doubts, for I was settled firmly in structured belief, cemented by logic and a tangible proof-driven society.

However, those silly cards, they tempted my imagination, feeding my belief, expanding possibilities. It seemed every time I would pick up a card, it would perfectly fit a situation, express a feeling or detail an outcome. How could this be? How could those little, colorful cards possibly know anything about spiritual lessons or offer guidance in any way? I wondered; however, I had this strange knack of choosing just the right cards repeatedly. It did not matter what deck I used, the results were always the same. Improbable, I thought. Isn’t this just up to chance, I questioned, a total fluke that I would happen to pick one card over another? So began the great internal debate.

For the longest time, my doubt had this discussion with my imagination. Until one day, while I was quiet in meditation, I realized that there is so much more to my spiritual self. I was meditating on my totem animal guides, a shamanic practice I feel deeply connected to, and Crow, one of my lead totem animals, popped into my mind. On a whim, I randomly flipped over one of my Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards, and a magical picture of Crow surprisingly stared right back at me. It was as if my guides and the universe were collectively saying, “Shana, do you finally believe? How many more times does this need to be confirmed for you?” This spiritual ah-ha moment came at a pivotal time in my life. It was finally time for my imagination to declare victory over my doubt and end this tedious and unsettling trail. Case closed.

This was quite a significant realization for a logic-focused, mainstream woman like me, significant for several different reasons. One might say, “Great, you can now live the life of a seer and dabble in the mystical realms of reality.” However, did I really want to fly away from society on the back of a gypsy’s dream? I will be judged. I will be questioned. I toyed with the idea of professionally sharing my gift with others, but I quickly ushered these ideas into the shadows. My place in society was resolute, and I did not intend to make my claim to fame through any art of divination. Period.

It is curious how destiny calls. Over time, I began to soften and TRUST. I began to dissolve my instilled need to conform to the ideals of the left-brained, linear thinking majority. I began to recognize that it was only I that I ultimately feared- my own critical mind, judgment and disapproval. Did people really care if I could read a Tarot card spread? Would they truly write me off as a fringe mystic? If so, what impact would that honestly make in my life? And, for heaven’s sake, who are all these darn people anyway? Do I even know them?

Once I finally plucked my head out of that restrictive box I built for myself so long ago, I was actually able to see the value in my gift. I now honor it, and I honor myself as I use it. In the beginning of this personal acknowledgement, I gingerly offered Tarot readings to friends and family. This felt safe. Time after time, though, I would be surprised and impressed with the cards, for they were eerily precise. It was not long before I faced my TRUTH and offered this gift as a bona fide service to my global community.

I am grateful I have arrived at a place of admission, acceptance and self-respect, for it has allotted me a new platform to help others. Now, the question that blossoms from my heart is- how can I NOT share my abilities, ALL of them, with those in need? My desire to guide and support others now trumps any doubt or judgment I once had. My life path is paved as I serve others, and the Tarot is yet another modality I can now use to construct the life I was born to live.

The funny thing is… I finally discovered that people actually LOVE the Tarot. Who knew!

“Fate brings success, the unexpected arrival of good fortune.” ~Eden Gray

“The Wheel of Fortune can indicate a vision or realization that strikes with great force. If you’ve been struggling…this card can signal that you can find the answer if you stand back and view everything from a larger perspective.” ~Joan Bunning

“The Wheel of Fortune…symbolizes a new beginning and the completion of an earlier series. The second half of the quest has now begun. The Wheel is a mandala, a symbol of psychic wholeness and inner order….Cast [yourself] free from the bond of society, and [your] sacrifice is rewarded. The symbol of the Wheel brings with it peace of mind, the resolution of guilt, and an affirmation of the fundamental order existing at all levels of the universe.” ~Alfred Douglas