Worldwide High-Level Reiki ♥ Spiritual Ascension Development ♥ and Beyond…

Reiki FAQs

Healing Stones in Buddha Beach, Sedona, AZ

Healing Stones in Buddha Beach, Sedona, AZ

What is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a gentle and natural system of healing. One of the most ancient healing methods known, originated in Tibet and rediscovered in the nineteenth century by a Japanese monk named Dr. Mikao Usui. The Usui System of Natural Healing was named after Usui. Today, Reiki practitioners practice it worldwide. The Japanese word, “reiki,” consists of two syllables: “rei,” which means “universal,” and “ki,” the “life energy,” corresponding to Chi in the Chinese system of Qigong and acupuncture, and to the concept of prana in the various Indian systems of Yoga. Reiki activates the healing qualities of universal life force energy. Practitioners of Reiki use the life force for energy balancing through in-person and long-distance treatments. Reiki, a precise method for combining universal life force energy with the body’s innate healing powers works on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. In a certification class, students receive an attunement from their Reiki Master Teacher that activates the energy of Reiki.

How was Reiki Discovered?
The power of Reiki and the knowledge of how to apply it came to a Japanese man named Mikao Usui during a spiritual quest at a Buddhist temple in the early 20th century. His quest to discover how people could perform “healing with hands” led him to a retreat in Japan in which he meditated, fasted and prayed for 21 days. It was on the 21st day that Dr. Usui experienced an awakening and channeled information about Reiki.  Dr. Usui does not claim to have created Reiki, but rather to have tapped into something that already existed.

What are the Reiki Ideas as taught by Mikao Usui?
The secret art of inviting happiness.
The miraculous cure of all diseases
Just for today, do not be angry.
Do not worry–and be filled with gratitude.
Devote yourself to your work and be kind to every living being.
Every morning and evening join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart.
And chant these words with your mouth.
Usui Reiki Treatment for improvement of body and mind.
Is Reiki a religion?
Reiki energy is spiritual in nature and it is religiously neutral.  There are effective Reiki practitioners who are Christians, Buddhist, Native Americans, and more. Reiki is not a religion, nor is it based on the acceptance of any religious doctrine. Having a belief system is not a requirement for Reiki to work. Reiki does not infringe on anyone’s right to believe what he or she wishes. Nonetheless, Reiki’s compassionate principles are spiritual in nature and they do encourage personal spiritual empowerment and growth.
How is Reiki different from other forms of energy healing?
Reiki practitioners must receive an “attunement” by a certified Reiki Master Teacher. This attunement “tunes” the practitioner to Reiki energy. During the attunement, the Reiki Master Teacher opens the chakras and tunes the practitioner’s hands, so that Reiki energy can flow freely through them. Clients often experience a sense of heat or tingling. The Reiki practitioner can now flow Reiki through their hands for the benefit of others and themselves. Reiki practitioners do not generally feel drained while providing energy work that can happen with other forms of energy healing.

What is the source of Reiki energy?
Reiki, which flows through the crown chakra, embraces the practitioner and flows through the practitioner hands.
Who provides Reiki?
You can receive Reiki in many hospitals and health-care centers, spas, wellness centers, hospice settings, massage therapy offices, and with Reiki practitioners in private practice. Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut has been a pioneer in the incorporation of Reiki and has a number of interesting articles on Reiki as a complimentary treatment on their website here. They started their Reiki Program in 1998.
How does Reiki work?
This life force energy passes through your energy centers called chakras and pathways known as meridians. Changes in this “ki” energy flow may create an imbalance in your mind, body and spirit, leading to illness. Reiki energy can restore the harmonious flow of “ki,” directing healing energy to wherever you have blockages.

How does the Reiki practitioner give Reiki?
The Reiki practitioner guides the hands above the client’s body or over the client’s  energetic body if done by distance. This works directly with the energy field surrounding the body as well as the life force energy flowing within it.

What does Reiki Feel Like?
Clients describe Reiki as more relaxing and grounding than massage, and sometimes dreamlike.

What can I expect in a Reiki treatment?
A Reiki treatment is usually one hour in length and performed while you relax fully clothed on a massage table. Reiki may be combined with acupressure, massage or cranial sacral therapy. Some practitioners provide a very serene setting with candles and the essence of pleasant natural oils.

Why would I need or want a Reiki Session? 
Reiki has treated every known illness or injury including cancer, heart disease, AIDS, asthma, back pain, skin problems, cuts, headaches, colds, addictions, acute pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, infertility, seasonal and food allergies, heart disease, TMJ, post surgery recovery, depression, anger, grief, insect bites, Lyme disease, and more. Many people find that Reiki offers a safe, nurturing space in which to work through emotional issues that slow down the healing process. One great thing about Reiki is that it works regardless of the recipient’s belief system. Reiki can be added to any healing modality, or used alone. Reiki can help ease pain or reduce stress when offered for any amount of time, but a complete Reiki treatment typically takes one hour to complete. It is performed several inches above the body or from a distance. In distance Reiki sessions, people respond the same way they would in person. People desire Reiki treatments for relaxation, pain management, support of traditional medicine, and sometimes to help empower themselves through life’s challenges.

Reiki treatments have been known to offer relief & clarity for issues including:

•Low energy
•Chronic disease
•Emotional blocks
•Recovery from surgery
•Emotional and mental confusion
•Sinus and other infections
•Asthma and other allergies
•Assorted muscle strains
Do Reiki treatments eliminate my need to see a medical doctor or psychologist?
Reiki is not a substitute for medical help. You should always seek medical advice from a medical doctor or other licensed health-care professional. Reiki complements other treatment modalities. Reiki practitioners do not diagnose nor prescribe medication.
Do I need to feel ill to benefit from Reiki Treatments?
The harmonious flow of Reiki life force energy offers the balance of your healthy and natural energy. When your energy is flowing naturally, you are more balanced.
Who learns Reiki?
People from all occupations learn Reiki.  Some learn Reiki just because they feel drawn to it.  Others study Reiki because of their interest in energy work.  Still others learn Reiki for their own personal growth and/or to work on family and friends.  Many healing professionals take Reiki so that they can incorporate it into their work.
Are there any prerequisites?
It can be helpful to have experienced a Reiki session beforehand, but there are no prerequisites unless you plan to become a higher-level Reiki practitioner.
Is Reiki difficult to learn?
In Reiki, practitioners just place their hands above themselves or others and this universal life force energy begins to flow.  Reiki is easily learned and young adults have become Reiki practitioners.
How many levels are there to Reiki training?
In the Usui system of Reiki, there are four levels of attunements I, II, III and Master Teacher.
Can a Reiki practitioner send Reiki from a distance?
Yes! A Reiki practitioner can easily and very effectively send Reiki any distance. The practitioner uses specific distance Reiki symbols when providing distance healings, which can often create more profound and longer lasting healing results.
How do I learn Reiki?
There are Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III Masters and Reiki Master Teacher levels. Click HERE to learn more.
What are attunements?
The attunements are a special process that awakens students to Reiki energy and empowers the Reiki symbols taught in the corresponding level of Reiki.
What is the difference in levels?
In First Degree Reiki, students learn about the history of Reiki, what Reiki is and is not.  Students also learn the hand positions for self-treatment and for the treatment of others and receive their first Reiki symbol. First Degree Reiki lays the foundation for all Reiki.  In Reiki II, students learn the symbols for emotional, mental and long distance healing.  They also gain more experience in self-treatment, practice long distance healing and learn how to tap into intuitive awareness during Reiki and in life. The Masters level activates the highest level of Reiki possible.  Students receive the Reiki Master Symbols and learn advanced Reiki techniques to help clients release significant blocks. In the Master Teacher training, students learn how to give Reiki attunements and how to teach the Reiki classes.
What is the importance of a Reiki lineage?
Your lineage is important in that you can trace the line back to Mikao Usui. This shows that you have been attuned by a genuine Reiki Master Teacher. Your Reiki lineage refers to the source of human Reiki knowledge, commitment, and experience. It does not indicate the strength or efficacy of an attunement from your Reiki Master Teacher.
Please click HERE for certified class information and dates.

Connecting to Natural Energy

Connecting to Natural Energy

©Shana Dean 2009-2023

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