Worldwide High-Level Reiki ♥ Spiritual Ascension Development ♥ and Beyond…

Posts tagged ‘Reiki Master Teacher’

Learn Reiki in the New Year 2021 – Reiki I & II Class

Shana Meditating with Reiki in Sedona

Shana meditating with Reiki in Sedona

Happy New Year, Dear Ones!

Do you feel the call of the healer? If so, the world could certainly use more healers, peace-bringers and lightworkers; the world could benefit from YOU and your healing energy.

If you would like to develop yourself spiritually and intuitively in the New Year, I am teaching a one-day intensive first and second degree certified Usui Reiki I & II Combo Class.


DATE: Saturday, January 23rd

TIME: 9am to 3pm PST (San Francisco Time)

WHERE: In the comfort of your own home via Zoom

REGISTER: Contact Shana HERE for more information or to sign up!


This is what you will learn:

* Latest updated Reiki history and background.
* Nature and science of Reiki.
* The five Reiki Principles, Reiki Precepts & Ethics.
* Universal Life Force energy.
* Preparing for the First and Second Degree.
* Gassho meditation.
* Experiencing Reiki energy.
* Discussion of 21 day cleanse.
* Byosen scanning.
* Essence balancing scanning process.
* Giving a Reiki treatment with hand positions above and on the body.
* Practice self treatment hand positions.
* Pregnancy, infants, children, and seniors.
* Treating animals and plants.
* Reiki and hospice services.
* Chakras/Endocrine System and healing.
* Chakra balancing.
* What a Reiki lineage represents.
* Legal Responsibilities as a Reiki Practitioner.
* Establishing a Reiki practice and marketing.
* Client information form and fees.
* Using Reiki with other healing arts.
* Certificate of certification to Reiki Practitioner Level I & II.Discussion: First Degree review of hand positions, content and treatment experiences.

* Two Reiki attunement to level I & II.
* Three Reiki symbols and mantras for power, mental, emotional, and distance healing.
* Learn how to draw the symbols, write the names of the symbols, and give their purpose.
* Send distance Reiki for specific healing.
* Learn the “Hayashi Healing Guide” and “Japanese Reiki Techniques.”
* Learn the Gassho Meditation, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku, and Koki-ho techniques.
* Learn the Jachi-Kiri-Joka-ho, Gyoshi-ho, and Enkaku Chiryo Reiki techniques.
* Experience the increased flow of the Reiki after your attunement.
* Learn the Reiki step by step formula for using the symbols in Reiki long distance.
* Practice sending absentia Reiki during the class. Learn the surrogates distant focusing.
* Learn how incorporate Reiki Level II into your daily life.
* Deepen your knowledge of Reiki from both a Western and Japanese perspective.

Contact Shana HERE for more information or to sign up.

New Year’s healing blessings in love and Reiki light!


“So wonderful and so much knowledge and insight to share! Having now finished Reiki I II & III with Shana, I can officially say my head has been spinning (in a terrific way!). I have never experienced learning that holds so many possibilities before. I look forward to learning more about teaching and intuition. Anyone interested in broadening their horizons with an unconditionally compassionate instructor should definitely contact Shana.” –Kimm Abercrombie, Oklahoma

Tibetan Prayer Flags in Sedona


A Powerful Hopi Message & Ongoing Global Pranic Meditations

Dearest Light Ones,

There are two things I would like to share with you now, during these times. One is a powerful Hopi message from White Eagle and the other is an invitation to join a circle of healers during my free Online Global Pranic Meditations to collectively uplift and awaken a New Earth for us all.

I found this Hopi message on social media and as I did so, I also instantaneously received a spirit message to share it here with all of you.

The Hopi have always had their fingers on the pulse of the planet. And they do now. Are you going through a portal or down a hole?



“This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you.

“If you repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, you will fall into the hole. But if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, take care of yourself and others, you will cross the portal. Take care of your homes, take care of your body. Connect with your Spiritual House.

“When you are taking care of yourselves, you are taking care of everything else. Do not lose the spiritual dimension of this crisis; have the Eagle aspect from above and see the whole; see more broadly.

“There is a social demand in this crisis, but there is also a spiritual demand — the two go hand in hand. Without the social dimension, we fall into fanaticism. But without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and lack of meaning. You were prepared to go through this crisis. Take your toolbox and use all the tools available to you.

“Learn about resistance of the indigenous and African peoples; we have always been, and continue to be, exterminated. But we still haven’t stopped singing, dancing, lighting a fire, and having fun. Don’t feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time.

“You do not help at all being sad and without energy. You help if good things emanate from the Universe now. It is through joy that one resists. Also, when the storm passes, each of you will be very important in the reconstruction of this New World.

“You need to be well and strong. And for that, there is no other way than to maintain a beautiful, happy, and bright vibration. This has nothing to do with alienation.

“This is a resistance strategy. In shamanism, there is a rite of passage called the quest for vision. You spend a few days alone in the forest, without water, without food, without protection. When you cross this portal, you get a new vision of the world, because you have faced your fears, your difficulties.

“This is what is asked of you:

“Allow yourself to take advantage of this time to perform your vision-seeking rituals. What world do you want to build for you? For now, this is what you can do — serenity in the storm. Calm down, pray every day. Establish a routine to meet the sacred every day.

“Good things emanate; what you emanate now is the most important thing. And sing, dance, resist through art, joy, faith, and love.”


(Feel free to share by copy and paste, as I did.)

Shana Meditating with the Prana of the Sun, Earth, Moon and Sky


Every week, I led a Global Pranic Meditation with my fellow light warriors and you are invited!


WHEN: Every Thursday at 9am PDT/San Francisco Time

WHERE: Zoom (links & passwords are emailed weekly)

SIGN UP: Contact me HERE if you would like to participate


During these Global Pranic Meditations, I guide us all through various energy-running methods and visualizations to heal, align and awaken ourselves and humankind, to neutralize and transcend illness and suffering, and to move us all towards a more utopic, unity-conscious, peaceful, harmonious, enlightened and higher frequency New Earth.

These meditations involve advanced energy-running techniques and are perfect for anyone interested in Reiki or any other type of energywork. You will receive beautiful personal benefits from meditating this way and with the group. Not to mention, we are collectively and lovingly upleveling everything around us!

These weekly meditations are open to the public, so feel free to share this blog post with anyone you think might resonate with this type of lightwork. The more the merrier and the more powerful!

Photo by Shana of the Pranic Field within the Forest at Sunset


Here is a little testimonial I received about the Global Pranic Meditation:

Hello Shana,

The wonderful impact of the global guided meditation that we did a week ago (my first one) stayed with me all week.  As well, I was able to readily re-experience it in my own subsequent meditations.

Thus, I so looked forward to re-joining you and the group this morning.  Lo and behold, I was equally moved—literally moved, right out of my body.  I really can’t think of another time when my monkey mind stopped chattering as I experienced this morning.

I’ve become increasingly judicious and discerning about how much time I spend in front of this computer screen these days, including limiting Zoom calls.  I much prefer being “called” into the great outdoors, growing my organic veggies or hiking the nearby woods and mountains.  That said, my priority Zoom is clearly 9 am Thursday mornings.

I am most grateful,


June Reiki Classes in Santa Rosa

A lemon-drop summer sunset over the San Francisco Bay

A lemon-drop summer sunset over the San Francisco Bay, photo by Shana


I currently have two certified Usui Reiki classes that I am teaching in Santa Rosa, CA, for this month of June, a Reiki I and II class. I am in the process of organizing two more classes, an additional Reiki I class and a Reiki III ART (Advanced Reiki Training) class, which will be added soon.

If you are interested in learning any level of Reiki, you are invited to contact me any time for more information. I am happy to share more about my classes by phone, answer any questions you may have, and help you pick class dates that work best for your schedule. Contact me HERE any time to initiate a conversation.

The two classes already on my calendar are:

Reiki Level I

When: Saturday June 30


Where: Santa Rosa, CA

Cost: $150


Reiki Level II

When: Friday June 29


Where: Santa Rosa, CA

Cost: $250


Here are the class details…


This Reiki I class is designed to teach The Usui System of Natural Healing.
This certification class is a combination of lecture, discussion, and hands on practice experience.  Additional practice after the class is necessary to gain the experience and confidence you need to embrace the  Reiki Level I training and becoming a Reiki practitioner.  Kindle your passions, stimulate your compassion, and re-ignite your inner power by attending this certification class.

Register: Click HERE to register.

In addition to the class registration fee, you must purchase the book, Reiki: The Healing Touch [Plastic Comb], by William Rand. The class instruction includes some or all of the following:

* Introduction to Reiki.
* Latest updated Reiki history and background.
* Nature and science of Reiki.
* The five Reiki Principles, Reiki Precepts & Ethics.
* Universal Life Force energy.
* Preparing for the First Degree.
* Gassho meditation.
* Experiencing Reiki energy.
* Discussion of 21 day cleanse.
* Byosen scanning.
* Essence balancing scanning process.
* Giving a Reiki treatment with hand positions above and on the body.
* Practice self-treatment hand positions.
* Pregnancy, infants, children, and seniors.
* Treating animals and plants.
* Reiki and hospice services.
* Chakras/Endocrine System and healing.
* Chakra balancing.
* What a Reiki lineage represents.
* Legal Responsibilities as a Reiki Practitioner.
* Reiki attunement to Level I.
* Establishing a Reiki practice and marketing.
* Client information form and fees.
* Using Reiki with other healing arts.
* Certificate of certification to Reiki Practitioner Level I.
* Congratulations. You are now a certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki practitioner.
* Appendix I – Reiki associations.



Pre-requisite: Reiki I. (Bring Reiki I certificate) This class is for Reiki practitioners.

This Reiki level II certification class will further enhance your Reiki Level I capabilities. In Reiki Level II, you learn the three sacred Power, Distant, Mental/Emotional Reiki healing symbols that bring you increased Reiki energy and healing ability.

This certification class is a combination of lecture, discussion, and hands on practice experience. Additional practice after the class is necessary to gain the experience and confidence you need to embrace the Reiki Level II training and becoming a Reiki practitioner.

Register: Click HERE to register.

In addition to the class registration fee, you must purchase the book, Reiki: The Healing Touch [Plastic Comb], by William Rand, unless you already have it from your Reiki I class with me.

The instruction includes some or all of the following:

* Discussion: First Degree review of hand positions, content and treatment experiences.
* Reiki attunement to level II.
* Three Reiki symbols and mantras for power, mental, emotional, and distance healing.
* Learning in depth the meaning and use of the three Reiki II symbols.
* Learn how to draw the symbols, write the names of the symbols, and give their purpose.
* Send distance Reiki for specific healing.
* Using each of the three symbols for specific healing.
* Learn the “Hayashi Healing Guide” and “Japanese Reiki Techniques.”
* Learn the Gassho Meditation, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku, and Koki-ho techniques.
* Learn the Jachi-Kiri-Joka-ho, Gyoshi-ho, and Enkaku Chiryo Reiki techniques.
* Experience the increased flow of the Reiki after your attunement.
* Learn the Reiki step by step formula for using the symbols in Reiki long distance.
* Practice sending absentia Reiki during the class. Learn the surrogates distant focusing.
* Learn how incorporate Reiki Level II into your daily life.
* Access a deeper level of healing capability than you gained in Reiki Level I.
* Deepen your knowledge of Reiki from both a Western and Japanese perspective.
* Gain confidence and competence as Reiki Level II practitioner.


To learn more about my Reiki III ART (Advanced Reiki Training) classes or my Reiki Master Teacher classes, click HERE.

To read my testimonials, click HERE.


Reiki blessings in light and in loving service for all!

❤Shana xo

Free Global Reiki Circle, Finding Gratitude Among Struggles & Being in the Sacred Moment


I woke up this morning to read accounts of what’s happening in the Standing Rock Indian Reservation with the peaceful protesters and police brutality over the Dakota Access pipeline and this sacred land.  If you haven’t heard of what is going on here, please learn more about this. Do note that the U.S. media is not covering this well by not providing full coverage and slanting the events, claiming riots are breaking out among protesters when people are standing in peace. Last night, people gathered with song and prayer over their land as law enforcement deployed water hoses, tear gas and rubber bullets on them.  Wondering what you can do? If inspired to take action from your home, you can help HERE.

All the while, millions of people continue to struggle with fear, hate and anger over the results of the U.S. election.

Suffice to say, some deep healing needs to take place on many levels in many places!

I am offering two things today:

One, I realize I haven’t offered a Global Prayer & Reiki Healing Circle in many moons, so I am offering this now. I have decided to keep this Prayer & Healing Circle going continuously, with no end.

This is how it works: Simply contact me by leaving a message on this blog post or contact me privately by clicking HERE. You can request healing for yourself, a loved-one, a pet, your home, work, finances, health, for a situation, your hopes and dreams or for anything else you can possibly image that is positive, healing and loving for everyone involved. Feel free to think big here. I also invite you to send any event that is happening around the world to me for healing.

To this, I am also adding the entire situation around Standing Rock, the current U.S. political landscape, the millions who are struggling, and the environment along with global warming.

This weekend, Amma the Hugging Saint, will be in San Jose, California, and I will be there in meditation with her heightened spiritual energy. I will be sending prayer and healing to everyone and everything in the Global Prayer & Reiki Healing Circle while there, infusing my Reiki with Amma’s powerful, vast, compassionate and incredibly loving energy for deep global and individual healing.

Please send your requests now to be added to the Global Prayer & Reiki Healing Circle. Prayer and healing will begin immediately. I will send Reiki to those in the Circle during my morning and evening meditations beginning today and continuing forward.

Secondly, I simply want to share a message to stay balanced in your own heart and connected to your spiritual center despite what is happening around you. I am reminding you to be in the sacredness of the moment. I cannot express how valuable this is right now.

Thich Nhat Hanh writes in his book, Being Peace:

“The superpowers now have more than 50,000 nuclear warheads, enough to destroy our planet many times. Yet the sunrise is beautiful, and the rose that bloomed this morning along the wall is a miracle.”

Take 1 minute right now. Breathe deeply and simply BE in the current moment. There is beauty and peace found within right where you are.

Here in the U.S., the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us. This is a time to take a moment and count our blessings, focusing on the good and positive things in our lives. Thursday is our official day of gratitude. What are you truly, deeply grateful for? (You are invited to share your gratitude on the comments section of this blog post and fill this page with light!)

Here are some beautiful moments I experienced last weekend, moments I am deeply grateful for…

I hiked around the mountain where I live in Sonoma County. It rained, and the first thing I ever want to do when it rains is get into the forest and walk among the elementals. I count my blessings every day for this magical land. It is from this mountaintop that I send most of my distance Reiki healing energy around the world during my private sessions.


I am grateful for the recent rains that have turned this once summer-blonde mountaintop to emerald green.


I am grateful for the twisted, old, wise, oak trees that thrive on this land.


I am grateful for enchanting forest trails.


I am grateful for troll bridges in magical places.


I am grateful for Faerie portals.


I am grateful for waterfalls and creeks nestled among mossy trees.


I am grateful for rain-kissed ferns that wave me into the forest.


I am grateful for the presence of gentle sentient Beings like cows.


I am grateful for the beautiful reminder to always look up.


I am grateful for the vast beauty that is all around when I take the time and BE with it all.

What are you grateful for?


In loving service, Shana xo



Birthday Blessings

Birthday Blessings!

Birthday Blessings!

Life is beautiful, and I am in love with it. Today is my birthday. As I wake up and settle into this new day, I look back and realize, with deep gratitude, that I have been living every day like it’s my birthday. And why not?! You should do this as well, living life completely with a receptive heart, open and clear. Nurture yourself. Love yourself. Did you know that the simple words, thank you, will raise your vibration, for it is one of the purest prayers you could utter? Say, “thank you,” feeling the words reverberate within you. Thank you. I love you.

What are you grateful for? This is an inspiring question and the mantra of Café Gratitude. Last night, on the eve of my birthday, Laura and I went to the Café Gratitude in Healdsburg to listen to raw chef Melissa Mango speak for the Monday Night Live series. Melissa, I might add, is a wonderful spirit. She is absolutely vibrant.  Laura and I had a fantastic time, and I love the photo above of us- two friends mingled with deliciousness. Thank you.

I am grateful for the growing raw community in my area. It is such a blessing to walk into an establishment, as I did last night, and know so many sweet souls. We shared smiles, conversation and delicious foods. I sipped on an ‘I Am Succulent,’ a grapefruit apple celery mint juice, which was divine, sweet and refreshing. I dined on my favorite entree, ‘I Am Sensational,’ the pesto pizza with hemp seed basil pesto & olive tapenade- oh so good! And for dessert, the entire staff of Café Gratitude crowed around my table hopping around, dancing, and clapping while joyously singing, They Say it’s Your Birthday, by the Beatles. My cheeks blushed through big grins. The cake that was delivered, garnished with a single red lit candle, was amazing. It was a layered strawberry shortcake made of nut flour called ‘I Am Rapture.’ How appropriate; need I say more?! Thank you.

As memorable as this evening was, the true blessing was gifted to me much earlier in the day. Laura hosted a Reiki class, and I joined her for it. I love Reiki. The energy flow is soothing and enlightening. Though I have been healing and attuning others with Reiki for many moons now, I am still caught in the wonderment of it. There is so much that cannot be seen that exists. Reiki energy is powerful, no doubt. It heals the body and sharpens the ethereal body and intuition. Every time I work with this energy, I feel spiritually empowered. I received a healing attunement for my birthday. Though my birthday presents have yet to roll in, I am certain that the attunement will dwarf all other tangible gifts.  I felt intense energy all around me, hitting me in waves, rolling over and around me like a gentle warm ocean. I sank into a deep meditation, my ankle twitched, my third eye ignited. Thank you.

The third eye, often referred to as the inner eye, is the portal that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. Lately, during my meditations, I feel intense pressure in my forehead at my third eye. Yesterday, my forehead was on fire, intensely pulsating with the Reiki. I felt an energy shift as “something” left me. Reiki attunements amplify healing energies, clearing blocks and aligning the Self to higher purpose. Since the healing works energetically, it deeply nurtures the body as well as the soul. This treatment enveloped me, and I glowed for hours afterwards, basking in my heightened lightness. I am curious to see how I unfold as the days drift by. I wonder what blocks left me during this session, what energetic resistances were whisked away by the Reiki healing. I am blessed. I see this. I truly know this. Thank you.

You, too, are deeply blessed. I want you to see and know this for yourself. Take the time to count your gifts, your blessings. What are you grateful for today? What treasures lie within your life that need to be picked up and polished, acknowledged and showcased? Smile for no reason. Enjoy the people around you with fresh eyes. Appreciate and earnestly love your Self. Give and receive without expectation. Open your heart. Live in abundance. Honor your truth and cherish your precious life.

Thank you. I love you.