Worldwide High-Level Reiki ♥ Spiritual Ascension Development ♥ and Beyond…

Archive for March, 2020

Your Happiness Is More Important Than You Realize!



The Enchanted Forest, photo by Shana

The Enchanted Forest, photo by Shana


Your happiness is of the utmost importance! When you’re happy, your frequency is higher, you’re more productive, creative, loving, compassionate, empathetic, optimistic, limitless and more in alignment with your true essence.

When you’re happy, you positively effect and influence everyone and everything around you, causing a beautiful ripple effect of lightness.

Do whatever you can to bring more happiness into your life. Whether big or small, do something everyday that makes you happy.

Make a happy list for yourself.
What brings you happiness?
Go do that.


This is me in one of my happy places, in an enchanted forest that sparkles with wands of sunlight and Faerie magick. The energy and beauty of nature always brings me a high level of happiness.


Another thing that brings me immeasurable happiness is teaching Reiki classes!

I am teaching an in-person certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level III Class this month of March:


WHEN: Saturday, March 14, 2020, 10am to 4pm

WHERE: Sebastopol, CA

COST: $325

In this Advanced Reiki Training class, you will learn two Reiki Master symbols plus an ancient Tibetan symbol, which has four variations, for a total of six symbols. You will receive the Reiki III attunement. You will also learn how to preform aura clearing, also known as psychic surgery, for powerful healing shifts. You will make and energetically activate Reiki Crystal Grids that will send a continuous flow of Reiki to the things you wish to manifest in your life and for group healing. You will also be guided along a meditation designed to increase your prana, your ki as in Reiki, which will enhance your healing ability, raise your frequency, and create more synchronicities in alignment with your Higher Self and soul purpose. This is a hand-on class with lots of practice on the table as well as discussion and Q&A.

Click HERE for more class details.

Contact Shana HERE to register.



Blessings to you for your Highest happiness!!

Love, happiness and lightness,
