Worldwide High-Level Reiki ♥ Spiritual Ascension Development ♥ and Beyond…

Full Moon Reiki Healings

Full Moon Reiki Healings

I am offering a collective healing and prayer service this Wednesday during the full moon. Please leave any healing requests in the comment section below.

Every so often I like to offer collective Reiki energy for anyone who feels they would benefit from some extra healing and prayer in their lives. This is a free service that I am called to provide to everyone at special times of the year or when it just feels intuitively right to do so. This is one of those times.

I have been sensing that there is a great deal of healing, shifting and lightening that needs to take place right now. My Reiki is not only good for healing and easing physical issues from events like sickness, injury or surgery, but it also works for life situations like job searches, weight loss or relationships. It is effective for setting positive intensions, to release unwanted habits or for anything else you can possibly image. There are no limits! Anything at all you would like healing light around, I would be honored to provide this.

I refer to this mass, collective healing and prayer service as my Reiki Pool.

All you have to do to be a part of this Pool is to let me know you wish to be added. You can add your own name to the Pool, that of a loved-one, and even a beloved pet. Any request you have for me, I will send prayer and positive Reiki energy.

Already added to my Reiki Pool is the planet Earth as a loving, healing, awakening collective Being. Included with this is the entire situation around Fukushima. If you wish to add any other global event that touches your heart to the healing Pool, I will happily accept your compassionate requests.

I will send out Reiki and prayers this Wednesday evening on 1/15/2014, which is a very special time. It is the first full moon of 2014! I will draw on the abundant power of the beautiful full moon and infuse it with my Reiki for extra light, angelic blessings, deep healings, positive shifts and magical goodness.

I am collecting names from now until Wednesday afternoon. Please do not delay in contacting me if you wish to be a part of this Pool. Again, to make a healing and prayer request, simply leave a note for me in the comments section below. If you choose to remain anonymous, you can contact me privately via email by clicking HERE.

With unconditional compassion, pure love and healing light,

♥ Shana

Comments on: "Free Full Moon Reiki" (21)

  1. Thank you for doing this amazing service Shana! Love you!

    • This is my absolute pleasure, Jana, and what I am called to do to be of service to others. Love you!

      • I have already reaped many blessings from this Shana Dean! I cried all day yesterday and had a miracle happen to me today from this post and your amazing work, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate and love you so much. This was a core issue and it was always playing in my subconscious mind, now healed and refreshed. Cannot wait to see what is next OMG!!!! Blessings back to you Shana Dean ❤

      • Jana, this is such a deeply divine blessing to hear. Thank you for sharing! I have actually been sending healing Reiki and prayer since last night and continue to do so until the full moon. Much love and healing light to YOU! ♥

  2. Scott said:

    New job for myself. An end to speciesism for the earth and all sentient life. Thanks and blessed be.

    • Scott, this is a wonderful healing request. I have added you to my Reiki Pool to bring in a perfect new job for yourself and to end all speciesism for the Earth and all sentient life, beautiful! Blessed be~

  3. Loreen Pitts McDonald said:

    I wish to end my self depletion of my soul by taking away my smoking addiction and heal the effects of anxiety so that I may loose weight and become the healthiest I can be in my coming years. I ask that the Earth be blessed with cleansing the unatural effects of self man made radiants. For the power of the universe and light to heal all in need.

    • Loreen, energy will be sent to help you release your anxiety and smoking habit and to encourage you to eat nutritious, self-loving foods, so you may fuel your soul with only healthy and positive influences. I will definitely add the Earth, so it will be blessed, cleansed and more natural. And that all will be healed and lightened. Thank you for your loving request. You have been added to the Reiki Pool.

  4. Thank you Shana. 🙂

    My prayer is for all beings to be uplifted.

    I would also like to pray for my kitties. Seems we’ve got a sick house these days, all 3 of us with an ailment (each kitty mirroring an issue I have). I pray for healing and release of this sickness and all things that promote it.

    Btw. We will be moving before too long…

    Thank you so much for you kind offering. ❤


    • Mary,
      I will definitely send energy so all beings will be uplifted- including you. I know it is common for pets to mirror their owner’s illnesses. I will send healing light and understanding around your illnesses and that of your little fury-babies so that your home will be filled with brilliant health and happiness. I’ll also send harmonious moving energy for you all when the time nears. This has all been added to the Reiki Pool. Many blessings! Shana

  5. A good stable job. I have been without one for almost a year. To end abuse to people, animals, and our environment. Thank you.

    • Tina, energy is on the way for the perfect job for you and to end abuse and to nurture peace, harmony and love around the world. You have been added to the Pool. Thank you!

  6. Kathy Bachmann said:

    Please add me to the Reiki pool Shana…..I feel the same sense of shifting and a need for healing in the world……thank you.

    • Kathy, I have added you and the entire world to the Reiki Pool for blessings, healings and positive shifts. Thank you!

  7. Hi Shana, what an amazing gift, I am a Reiki master and when I’m in a place again to offer this type of service, I will follow your inspired lead. Please add me to your Reiki Pool, for major financial flow to come in… in the most delightful way and clear support to help me find my way again and loving healing for mother earth. Thank you so much, you inspire me. 🙂

    • Nancy, you are added to the Reiki Pool for financial flow and abundance and to delightfully and clearly support your path. Thank you for adding Mother Earth to the Pool for healing and love. I am so happy you are inspired. I would love to see all energy and light workers unite to send healing to others, to one another, and the world. Much love ❤

  8. deb knight said:

    My son, Josh will be joining the US Marines in a week and a half. My prayer is that he will always be safe and sound, that he will be happy and that he will return to us. I also pray that he always knows how much we miss him and love him. May all those who serve our country be safe. Thank you Shana.

    • Deb, Josh is added to the Pool for protection, happiness and for a love-filled heart and mind as well as for safe returns. Thank you for adding veterans and active duty to the Pool. I am also adding you so you feel comfortable about your son’s journey and to nurture you in love and light. Blessings!

  9. Loreen Pitts McDonald said:

    Thank you for all the wonderful work you are doing. May I please add another prayer request? Kristen M. McDonald. She has been sick over a week and they are still not sure what is wrong. I wish her great healing and love. She has always been a special person to the world. Thank you.

    • Loreen, Kristen and her doctors and family have all been added to the Pool for healing, right treatment and loving support. Blessings!

  10. Examples of healing and empowerment come from, Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research, the 3-minute dissolution of the tumor in the woman in the Chinese hospital, the power of positive thinking, and as you think, you are. Shana, we are fortunate for your loving thoughts, your inner connection with spiritual strength that you offer to those willing to ask. Even thinking of your gift is empowering. Only a small percent of any species thinking the same thing it is so. Thank you for your loving offering Shana.

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